School romance

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Ranboo POV:

I woke up in Tubbo's arms, and it was the best feeling I could've ever felt, I'd give anything for this to be my view every morning

As he stirred awake, his eyes wrinkled and then opened and as he looked up at me his smile filled me with so much joy

"Morning boo"

"Morning bee" I returned

"Are you finally allowed back at school after your suspension today?"

"Mhmm" I hummed

Tubbo quickly got up to get changed, forcing the blanket off me, the feeling of cold air quickly woke me up

I joined Tubbo in getting changed and ready for school.

We left the house at the same time and spent most of the time holding hands.

Once we got to the school how hands let go and a sense of relaxation left me

I walked into history class, handing over a second piece of paper to Tubbo with the history answers

He thanked me and we went back to 'acting like friends' it was annoying but I accepted it

"Hey Ranboo! Glad your back at school.
Do you know how hard it's been without you?" Tommy greeted

"That's because you literally only copy my work" I complained but Tommy just simply shrugged and sat next to me

I started doing the assigned work, with a subconscious smile on my face

"What's happened!" Tommy whisper shouted to me

I turned to him and tilted my head "huh? What do you mean?"

"You're jumping up and down and smiling like an idiot. Somethings happened" tommy returned


"Ranboo... I've been your best friend for how long? I can tell when your acted different" Tommy deadpanned

"Listen... I'll- I'll tell you after class. With Wilbur and tubbo ok?"

"Ugh fine... there's no need to be so secretive about it" tommy complained


By the time Tommy, wilbur, Tubbo and I all got together again it was after school.

So we arranged to meet by the hill next to our school

"So what's this big secret you've been wanting to tell me tubbo?" Wilbur asked crossing his arms

"Tubbo?! I thought it was Ranboo that had something to say!" Tommy added

Tubbo and I shared a glance. And then a smile

We got closer together to the point where our hands were intertwined behind our backs

We moved our hands forward to show Wilbur and tommy

"WE'RE A THING!" Tubbo shouted, jumping up and down as he spoke

"YOOOOOOO CONGRATS MAN!" Wilbur congratulated

Tommy simply stood there, his mouth agape

"Tommy?" I asked

He didn't say anything

However he slowly started walking towards me, he moved Tubbo slightly to one side as he let go of my hand.

Then tommy wrapped his arms around me and leaned into my chest "I'm happy for you man... you finally did it" he smiled

His words were enough to make me smile too, as I looked to Tubbo who was beaming brightly

"Jesus... you're such a whore. You can get Tubbo. So you move to my Old buddy Wayne. And when that doesn't work out. Back to Tubbo"

We turned to look at the unwelcome voice and see Jason standing, with a proud smirk on his face.

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