Back in the day

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Ranboo POV:

I could feel my skin heat up at just the sight of him, my teeth clenched together from within my jaw and I subconsciously moved Tubbo behind me

"Ooo protective Ranboo. Now that's a sight" Jason laughed

"What do you want Jason!" I spat

"Oh me? I'm just deciding whether or not I should cash in a favour" Jason taunted, pulling out his phone to dial a number

"What are you doing?" I asked, Jason just put his finger up, silently telling me to wait

"It's ringing" he whispered

After a couple of chimes whoever Jason was calling picked up

We couldn't here who was on the phone but we could certainly hear what Jason was saying, like he wanted us to hear

"Heyyyy buddy!

You remember that favour you owe me cause of that thing you did?

Yeah imma use that now,
Can you come to the hill next to my school...
You know the one"

When he put the phone down the smile on his face sent chills down my spine

I felt Tubbo tug at the bottom of my shirt

"Can we go... please" he meekly whispered, I could tell he was on the verge of tears but he didn't want to show it

"Hey man piss off we're leaving" Wilbur intervened

"Oh no... you'll definitely wanna be here for this" Jason spoke tilting his head to look at Wilbur

"No fuck off man... you've got issues" tommy shouted stepping towards Jason

"Firstly that's rude... secondly what are you gonna do about it... you're built like a stick, I could break you" Jason laughed his voice getting deeper as he finished his sentence

"I'll do what it takes" tommy quipped back

"Tommy don't-" I tried to intervene but Tommy cut me off

"Nah Ranboo it's cool. You two run off into the sunset like the sickeningly cute couple you two are, Wilbur and I will deal with think twat" tommy smiled looking back at me for a second

"There's no need for that... my favours here" Jason smiled looking towards the bottom of the hill

Tommy Jason and Wilbur were blocking my view but I didn't particularly care about who was there

I turned to face Tubbo who looked to be trembling.

I knelt down onto one knee and held onto Tubbo's shoulders, I pulled him into a hug and held him tightly, moving one of my arms to Tubbo's hair, stroking it slightly

"Hey, hey it's ok... it's all gonna be ok don't worry alright" I whispered into Tubbo's ear

I could feel Tubbo nod into my shoulder but I could also feel a wet patch from wears his tears seeped through the fabric of my shirt

"Took you long enough to get here" Jason mocked

"So what's this favour you need" another voice said in a sleepy and raspy tone

I stood up and turned around to see the cold, broken eyes of Wayne, who looked crumbled to his core.

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