Hot Coffee

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Tubbo POV:

I'm not sure what happened but for the next couple of days after I spoke to Ranboo he was missing.

He wasn't at his house, and he wasn't showing up to work or his classes.

I asked Tommy but he just said Ranboo was fine

Apparently the last time Ranboo and tommy spoke was yesterday, and Ranboo was taking some time by himself.

I just assumed he was staying at Wayne.

Would he tell Wayne?

How would Wayne react?

After the school day, Wilbur, tomMy and I all decided to go to the cafe, whether Ranboo was there or not, we wanted a drink and to relax for a bit

To our surprise, Ranboo was there, a small smile plastered on his face as he served the customers at the til.

When he looked at us enter his smile briefly faded, but was then replaced with an even bigger one

"HEY RANBOO!" Wilbur and tommy shouted from across the cafe, making everyone else turn there head as the two ran up to the til and immediately began talking to him.

I looked around the cafe and saw most of the usual people that were in there, the nice couple that sat by the door.

The 'language' man that sat in his booth

But one regular that wasn't there

Was Wayne

After I strolled over to the til, a drink already there I looked at Ranboo who smiled back at me

It was green tea... my 'usual' at this point

"Where've you been man?" I asked taking a sip of my tea

"Oh I've just- I've just been away with some other friends" he smiled

"You have other friends? That I haven't met" I returned acting offended

"Yeah! From before I came to this school, and friends from work... you know like Sam and my other friends Phil and techno"

"Oh I know techno!" Wilbur chimed

"Yeah he's the scary guy off of the block right?" Tommy asked

"He's not that scary" Ranboo laughed as he began to serve another customer

I took another glance around the cafe still not seeing Wayne anywhere

It was almost concerning

"Hey Ranboo?" I asked

He quickly turned his head to acknowledge me "yeah?"

"Where's Wayne?" I asked

He stopped whatever he was doing, the order he was completing slightly over filled causing some of the hit drink to pour onto his hand.

He slightly shouted and whispered at the pain, loud enough for his boss to come over and help out

"Get that under some cold water I'll handle this" Phil said taking the drink off of him

Ranboo nodded and walked over to the tap, conveniently just in front of me

"Ranboo?" I asked again tiling my head

"Are you ok?" Tommy intervened reaching over the counter to look at ranboos hand

"Yeah- yeah just a small burn... I'll live" he chuckled

"Tubbo has a point thought" Wilbur added

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked glancing at Wilbur and then to me

"Where's Wayne, normally you guys are attached by the hip whenever your working" Wilbur chuckled

"Oh- oh yeah Wayne..." Ranboo trailed off. His voice slowly turning into a whisper

"We- we broke up"

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