Talk to me

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Ranboo POV:

"Morning boo" he mumbled

"Hey tubs, how ya feeling?" I asked

I twisted and turned a little bit, still within my arms

"My head hurts... can I have some water?" He groaned

The affects of the alcohol had definitely hurt him, it would be humorous if not concerning

"Of course" I responded and slid out of the bed, letting go of the warm body in my arms

I quickly nipped to the kitchen grabbing a glass of water and getting an aspirin

When I got back, Tubbo was sitting up and resting against the head of my bed

"Here you go" I said handing the items to him

He thanked me and took the pill instantly and gulped down the entire glass of water

"So... why did you go out last night?" I asked moving to sit on the bed with him

"I uh- it was Jason. He wanted to go to a party" Tubbo sighed

I audibly growled

"I know I shouldn't have" he added

"It's your life" I mumbled

"And I'm wasting it" Tubbo sighed

I looked at him, he was staring at his feet, his head in his hands

I scooted over to him and put an arm around him

"You're not wasting it Tubbo, you're just a bit reckless... which is fine, love while your young I guess" I smiled

"I'm surprised you want to hug me" Tubbo giggled "you have Wayne don't you"

My eyes widened, I was lucky Tubbo wasn't looking at me.

"Do- do you know what happened last night?" I asked, slightly peering at him

"Nope" he responded popping the 'p' "I don't remember anything after my first drink really"

So he doesn't remember last night... at all, his confession, the kiss?

"So no memory whatsoever?" I asked

"No, well I assumed I called you... so sorry about that" he apologise

Part of me felt broken... I guess the kiss meant nothing, and he was lying about what he said

I didn't realise I had been silent for a long time until Tubbo nudged my side

"Did something happen? Are YOU ok?" He said

Should I tell him?

Would it be best if we forgot about it?

Just a mistake in the dead of night, destined to be forgotten by the rise of the sun


"No no. It's nothing, nothing happened... and I told you before you can call me anytime, I'll always come" I smiled

He returned the smile

"Good... now can we get breakfast I'm absolutely starving... then I wanna go see Wilbur if that's ok?"

"Yeah of course. I'll make us some food then I'll drop you off ok?" I suggested and he hummed in agreement

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