This is it

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Ranboo pov:

When the trial finally happened, a sense of relief washed over everyone that was there.

Well everyone except Jason

Wayne got let off with every charge whereas Jason was forced to be locked up in a prison cell for at least 7 years

I'd be lying if I say I didn't rush towards Wayne the second I could

I embraced him into a tight hug and lowered my head into the crook of his neck

"I'm sorry... this was all my fault" I whispered

"Hey hey... it's not your fault, besides nothing bad happened, in fact this is the best outcome out of anything that could have happened" Wayne said, I could hear the small smile spread across his face

He moved his hand to slowly stroke my back

"But I am sorry" Wayne sighed

I moved my head back so I could look him in the eyes

"What do you mean" I chuckled, my voice slightly distorted with nervousness

"I'm afraid this is it Ranboo, for us" he looked to the floor

"I- I don't understand"

"It's painfully obvious Ranboo... I love you, I love you so much that it hurts... but you're meant for Tubbo and I wouldn't take that away from you, so the best thing for me to do is leave... I'm moving in with my brother Eret tomorrow" Wayne spoke, giving me one last hug and then leaving before I could say anything in return

He left me standing there, still in the court house surrounded by people yet still so alone.

The loneliness began to feel overwhelming
It began to hurt

It was only until I felt the embrace of tubbo that I finally warmed up again, I turned to look into his eyes and in that moment I realised that Tubbo was perfect for me
Although Wayne would always hold a place in my heart
Tubbo was always the one I wanted

"You ok boo?" He smiled

"Yeah... just Wayne's moving in with his brother"

"Oh... that must be tough for you I'm sorry, you want ice cream?" Tubbo smiled and I gladly nodded

We left the court house not before hearing Jason from within the court room shouting slanders and threats towards us

We just ignored him and continued

Whilst we got ice cream wilbur started talking to a new girl and got their phone number... Emily I think her name was
But I was happy for him

Tommy simply started shouting the weirdest things whilst we ate and I'm surprised we didn't get kicked out.

But throughout it all, I realised that this is where I'd like to be, and I couldn't be happier with a different group of friends. Or a different boyfriend.

That's it!
Thats the story guys
I hope you enjoyed

The next story on my list is something I haven't decided yet... cause it's either gonna be....

Another tubboxranboo

A ranbooxOC

Or an original story

Maybe you can help me decide ;)

Either way until next time

Goodbye XD

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