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Tubbo POV:

Looking at Jason's house reminded me of a horror movie.

With the dimly lit house on the hill constantly surrounded by bats.

Even though it was a nice house in a nice area it held to many haunting memories for me.

I almost thought about turning back and leaving, but then I remembered why I was here in the first place

So I knocked on the door and it was opened almost immediately

"Baby! Welcome back" Jason grinned

"Hey Jason" I sighed and strolled inside

"Care for a drink?" He asked

I knew what he meant. He meant drink until the problem o came here for was forgotten and then make out with him

So I agreed

"Sure. You know what I like"

"That I do baby boy" Jason smirked and headed of to the kitchen

Not too long after he came back with a drink for me and a drink for himself.

I took a sniff and it was strong, definitely over half filled with vodka and the remaining being orange.

"Thanks" I said and took a gulp

Feeling the burning sensation hit the back of my throat with a kick.

"So what did you need to talk about so much that I your only options" Jason laughed

"Actually it's about Ranboo" I looked away, trying not to be seen by his gaze

I heard an annoyed sigh followed by Jason speaking up "when are you gonna learn he's not good for you"

"That's the thing... I kinda realised I love him" I admitted

I could see Jason's hand clench ever so slightly against his drink "but he's moved on from me,
He's dating someone else"

"Oh... ohhhahaha that's funny. That's hilarious. Romeo and Juliet fell out of love at the wrong time. And whose the lucky person to steal him from you" Jason laughed

"His names Wayne" I grumbled, feeling sick to my stomach at even mentioning his name

"Wayne... Wayne? OH! WAYNE.... Yeah I know Wayne, shaggy hear blue eyes bout 6'1?" He asked and I nodded

"Yeah... we have a bit of history" Jason mumbled and looked to the side

"What kind of history?" I asked

"Doesn't matter... you wanna kiss and ignore Ranboo?" He asked and I just couldn't say no

He placed mine and his drink down and dragged me towards him

Trapping me with his lips

His kiss was harsh. Like it always was, but it was also somewhat relieving.

The ability to completely ignore the outside world so long as I was encased by him

It made me want to be like this more often.

Just to get away from Ranboo. From Wayne.

From sadness and regret.

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