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Ranboo pov:

Tommy bursting into the room was a shock, so much so me and Tubbo froze like a statue

"We're you two doing the dirty!" Tommy screamed and me and Tubbo very quickly moved to deny that whilst trying my hardest not to knock over my breakfast

"What's the news tommy?" I asked

"Wayne's going to prison!" He shouted

I looked defeated and Tubbo noticed so he grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it

"We- we know" I stuttered

"Oh...right... but I bet you didn't know that my brother can help him" Tommy smiled

My body perked up
"What?" I asked

"Yeah well turns out dreams known Wayne and Jason for ages and dreams got a lil something that can help out Wayne big time"

"What is it?" Tubbo questioned

Tommy simply smiled and held his phone up

He pressed play on a video where Wayne and Jason were at a party, "according to dream this is the assault Wayne did" tommy added

It showed a girl being touched a little too closely by Jason, moving his hands from her shoulders to her hips
It was sickening, Wayne moved over to him and told him to stop even though he was clearly drunk.

Jason continued to touch the girl and tried to push Wayne away but the girl was clearly uncomfortable so Wayne persisted

Eventually Wayne punched Jason causing a fight, but it was barely that

Wayne ended up beating Jason to a pulp.

As the video came to an end Tommy spoke "apparently when Wayne woke up in the morning he didn't remember anything. But jason showed him a video of Wayne just fighting him... so jason threatened him"

I sighed in almost relief "it all makes sense"

"So Wayne got into a drunk fight protecting a girl?" Tubbo asked

"I could kiss your brother for this" I exclaimed a little too hastily

"Yeah don't do that... unless you wanna fight George" tommy giggled and I felt a slight punch from Tubbo

"No your mine!" Tubbo growled

I let out a small giggle "we've gotta get this footage to whoever's representing Wayne!" I exclaimed

"Already done" Wilbur smiled entering the room with his phone having just ending a call

"Apparently there's a trial in a couple of days and this video makes Wayne's case look better" Wilbur smiled

"This is amazing thank you guys" I smiled tearing up slightly

"Anytime... now everyone else fuck off let Ranboo eat in peace" Tubbo deadpanned

The others left leaving me and Tubbo to sit silently eating breakfast in each other's company

I felt so much better, inside my body it felt warm and hopeful 

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