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Ranboo POV:

Jason left on a hurry after drinking his coffee.

Tommy burst out into laughter

"Fuck yes! We got him! We can show Tubbo and then they'll break up" Tommy exclaimed

I remained quiet, cleaning some pots and mugs

"Ranboo?" Tommy asked, tilting his head as he says my name

"Huh?" I returned

"We can show Tubbo Jason cheating on him... it could help get you two together" Tommy adds

"I don't think we should show him" I deadpanned

Tommy's jaw drops "you can't be fucking serious"

"I am"

"Why the fuck- all this time you've been pining over
This guy, you have an opportunity for him to become single so you can shoot your shot and you're turning it down!" Tommy exclaims again, scratching his head


"Why the fuck would you do that!"

"Because tommy" I began, looking around the cafe to see if anyone was listening in

"Because Tommy... he already doesn't like me at the moment, and it's because of Jason that we had an argument... I don't want to make things worse between us, and this- this just will break him" I sighed

Tommy looked me up and down and Sophie's my sigh "whatever man... I'll save the video if you ever want to use it for Tubbo or i don't know like blackmail or some shit" Tommy then stood up

"I gotta go... I'll see you after your shift?" He asks and I simply nod sending him a smile.


"Ranboo!" My boss shouted at me

"Yes sir?" I returned

"Ranboo for the last time... call me Phil, we're friendly here I don't mind a little unprofessionalism" Phil smiles

"Right" I smile back

"The store seems pretty empty now so if you want you can leave and I'll do the rest of the time" Phil says

"Really?" I ask and Phil simply nods "thank you"

I rush out of the store as if I had somewhere to be,
But the truth was it just felt nice to be outside.

Whilst walking home I went past my usual points of interest. The local park, a really big forest. But my favourite of them all... I giant library.

I'd go in from time to time and talk to the bookkeeper, he was nice.. strange. But nice.

Since it was open I decided to go inside and pick up something to read, there wasn't much in there that really peaked my interest but I continued to look.

Eventually I found myself in the romance section, and I saw a relatively large novel resting on the table, already a few chapters in with no one next to it.

I quickly had a look at the book and the cover to see what it was the cover read 'things we never said'

I put it back to the page it was originally and was about to leave until I heard a small voice "Ranboo?"

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