Morning after

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Ranboo POV:

I woke up early, around 7:00 AM which wasn't bad for a weekend.

I thought my time would be best spent looking over some school notes, or something productive at the very least.

So I snuck into my room to get my school bag and saw Tubbo sleeping peacefully, with both my blanket and one of my hoodies draped over him.

His hair looked messy and fell over his eyes, it felt weird watching my friend sleeping but I couldn't look away.

When I managed to snap myself out of it I took my bag and rushed out of the room, trying my best not to disturb the sleeping boy.

I went into the kitchen and sat on the counter, reading over page after page of boring and needless information about historical figures.

Before I knew it hours had passed.

And tubbo groggily strolled into the kitchen and patted my leg "hey boo... do you have some aspirin and water" he asked, his usually cute voice ever so slightly deeper and more raspy

"Well we have aspirin but unfortunately we're the only house in the country to not have water" I smiled handing him a tablet and getting off of the counter to fetch a glass of water and handing it to him.

"I'm sorry for last night. You shouldn't have to help me out... it won't happen again" Tubbo apologised

I knew I'd end up doing it again, even if Tubbo didn't want to, I'd do it for my own conscious, I needed to know he was safe

"Sure Tubbo"


The rest of the morning was spent like usual, making breakfast and then going to my weekend job.

It wasn't anything major, just a barista at a small coffee place but it was something at least.

After about an hour on my shift Tommy came in and sat down ordering his usual, he would always sit in a stool next to the cash register so he could talk to me when I didn't have to take any orders.

"Hey ranboob how's your morning. And tubbo?" He asked as he took a sip of his coffee

"Morning went like usual, but if studying and breakfast. And Tubbo's just fine, he told me that Jason is taking him out on a date today but I don't know where" I answered

Just then the door swung open and in walked Jason and tubbo laughing like the couple they are.

"So yeah I heard this place is great for food and drinks... and it's cheap" Jason exclaimed wrapping his arm around Tubbo

"Cheapass" Tommy mumbled to me causing me to giggle

"Ranboo! Tommy! You work here" Tubbo smiled walking to the counter

"Yeah I work here, Tommy just drinks here" I answered

"What are you doing Tubbo?" Tommy almost mocks

"Oh well Jason brought me here as a date" Tubbo smiled

And for a split second I forgot Jason even existed, if I saw that smile everyday at work I'd pray for extra shifts.

"Yeah well can I take your order" I smiled holding up my notepad and pen

"Sure I'll have a green tea and croissant please" Tubbo answered

"And your" I took a hard gulp "boyfriend"

"Jason what do you want?" Tubbo asked

"I'll have a coffee,black, and a full english. Make it snappy though I have a place to get to after this" Jason clicked his fingers cashing my blood to boil

"Right away" I said through gritted teeth

I reluctantly did what he said although it was more for Tubbo's benefit.

And whilst they were laughing and joking I couldn't look away from them, even whilst I was taking orders from other customers.

It broke my heart. But at least Tubbo was...happy

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