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Tubbo pov:

After Ranboo left the library I weighed up my options

I love Jason
At least that's what I tell myself

The truth is that I don't really know what love feels like, I had dated Jason for so long that I assumed the feelings I had towards him were love.

But I guess I was wrong

I sent him a text saying 'we need to break up' as well as the clip of him at the cafe

I still needed to thank Tommy for that.


The next day I woke up and I was immediately hit with loads of feelings.

Confusion, tiredness even nauseous to an extent,
But the one feeling I felt more than any other was freedom.

When I picked out what clothes to wear I decided to be a bit more comfortable.

Instead of wearing neat clothes that were the perfect size I thought I'd try some oversized hoodies and annoyingly tight jeans that somehow still fit.

I made my way to school and was actually looking forward to my day for once

Although the one lesson I was looking forward to the least was history.

I didn't have it until the end of the day so I could at least mentally prepare for it.

Throughout the day however I felt a lot more eyes on me than usual, I just ignored it

At around lunch someone came up to me and tapped me on my shoulder
I turned around and saw wilbur who simply smiled at me
"Hey man... you good?" He asked

"Yeah why wouldn't I be" I smiled back

"Well I heard about you and Jason" Wilbur Said

"Oh... yeah I'm perfectly fine about that, it was my choice after all" I responded

"Huh? But Jason said- you know what never mind, if you ever need to talk I'll be here" Wilbur finished as he left the table

I almost finished my lunch and was trying my best to come up with an excuse to not go to history . That was until there was a massive commotion.

People from all around the school were rushing and it created a crowd, people were cheering and screaming as if there were famous people arriving but I knew it couldn't be anything more than a fight.

The commotion quickly died down and by that time it meant we had to go to lesson

I did a couple of laps of the school before I actually entered my history class, and once I was in there I tried to ignore ranboos seat as well as the attention of the teacher.

I made my way to my table and began doodling

Around half an hour into the lesson we had tasks to complete.

'Great' I thought, this means Ranboo will come over soon

But he never did

It was strange, so I turned around to see if maybe Ranboo was still working on the sheet or maybe he was helping someone else out for a change.

But instead Ranboo simply wasn't there.

He hasn't shown up.

I got up and walked to Tommy

"Hey Tommy" I allowed a small smile to creep onto my face as I waved at him slightly

"Oh hey tubs you look... cuter today, I guess" Tommy replied and I rolled my eyes

"Firstly thank you for the video it means a lot and secondly have you seen Ranboo... I guess I kinda promised him that I'd talk to him" I whispered

"Oh you didn't hear?" Tommy said, he seemed completely puzzled about it though

"No... what happened"

"Ranboo and Jason got into a fight"

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