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Ranboo POV:

Tubbo left in a hurry

It upset me, he didn't do what he usually does, recently he's always offered to help me get home if Tommy wasn't here.

He's stopped doing that since Wayne came into my life.

I know Tubbo doesn't like Wayne. It's obvious

And I feel like I'm almost cheating on Tubbo because I'm dating Wayne.

But I really like Wayne. And he's been nothing but good to me since I've met him.


We didn't see Tubbo for a couple days

And it was honestly becoming concerning.

Eventually whilst I was talking to Wilbur and Tommy at the cafe Tubbo walked in

He looked both happy and sad

Like he was happy he did something but immediately regretted it

"Hey guys" he chirped as he walked up to us.

He seemed more confident and I assumed I was because Wayne wasn't here

"Hey man" Wilbur chimed

"Where've you been. Ranboo was worried about you" tommy spoke up and I turned red

"What! It was just because he was like... radio silent" I interjected

"Oh sorry to worry you... I just needed some me time" Tubbo said

He sat down and I gave him his usual, on the house of course.

"Thanks boo" he smiled

His smile was sweet as usual but it was dimmer than before

Like something had happened

I was probably imagining things

I completed some other orders whilst the trio spoke about random stuff or school

Eventually when I had some free time I went back over to them joining in on the conversation

"So... where are you ticklish?" Wilbur asked with a daring smirk

"I- I- I'm not" Tubbo stuttered which was basically a cry for 'please don't I'm ticklish everywhere' and Wilbur and tommy definitely got that message

They started poking at every side of tubbo causing him to burst out in a fit of laughter

It caused Tubbo to jump up and down enough for his shirt to move with his body, and it dropped to slightly below his collar bone.

And the bright red, fresh marks definitely stood out to me.

Out of instinct I grabbed his arm.

Causing both Wilbur and tommy to stop their actions

"What are those!" I almost shouted

"Wha- what are what Ranboo?" Tubbo hid, trying to back away into his shirt like a turtle

"Those marks" I growled

Tommy looked at where I was and finally saw them "oh shit! Tubbo what did you do"

"Are you ok man?" Wilbur asked

"THERE JUST HICKEYS OK!" He shouted and it caused the entire cafe to turn there head to us

"Who!" I whispered

"That's not important"


"Why do you care you have Wayne"


"JASON!" He screamed and ran out of the shop, tears forming in his eyes

"Shit" I mumbled

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