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Ranboo POV:

Wayne stopped at the door and looked at me.

His eyes went from content to sad, I saw him glance to my right at Tubbo who was sat on his seat

He seemed to have let out a sigh and walked towards the til

I let out a heavy gulp just before he finally approached

"Hey Ranboo" he said

"Hey" I whispered, I tried to speak normally but nothing came out

"You come here often?" He smiled, he was trying to lighten the mood.

I upset him and HE was the one to try and make me feel better... even still

"Too many times to count" I returned

"What can I get you?" I asked

"I'd like a coffee as black as my soul" wayne responded

"So you just want milk?" I laughed and he joined in

For that moment everything seemed fine... like I was away from all the days prior was just a bad dream

"In all seriousness though... what would you like"

"Just a regular coffee please, two sugars" he smiled

He sat down just in front of me...
And next to Tubbo who couldn't take his eyes off him.

"Hey Tubbo" wayne stated not even bothering to look at him

I knew Wayne was mad. But I also knew he didn't want to make me upset, even though I hurt him so much

"H- hi" Tubbo returned a little

"How's your head? I heard you had a rough night couple days ago" wayne spoke, receiving his drink from me and taking a sip

"Oh- uh yeah...
My head- it's fine I'm fine... how- how are you?"

"Oh I'm sure you know... I'm just... living i guess... I'm in the market now as I'm sure you're aware. so I'm going out later and seeing if there's anyone for me" wayne replied

The idea of him with someone else upset me. But I knew that it would be for the best. After all. Wayne deserves better than me

"I'll see you later Ranboo" wayne smiled, as he stood up preparing to leave

"You're not staying?" I asked

"I feel like I'm not really welcome" wayne chuckled and slightly glanced at Tubbo

"Good luck you two... I wish you the best Ranboo" he said as he left the cafe

"What did he mean good luck?" Tubbo asked, turning his head to look at me

"There's something I haven't told you" I sighed

"What's that?" Tubbo tilted his head

"The other night when you were drunk and I picked you up... when you got in my car you- we- you kissed me" I sighed looking everywhere but Tubbo

After a couple seconds of agonising silence I looked at tubbo who was staring at the counter, slightly nodding his head

"I know.... I remember"

A/N: Real quick thank you two everyone whose read up to this point.
This note is mainly to say


And coincidentally happy birthday to @WeirdChildEEE

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