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Ranboo POV:

Tubbo sat there for a second, then he stared giggling

"Aww Ranboo I love you too" he smiled and squeezed my hand slightly

Nothing came from it except more laughter

"No Tubbo i don't think you understand... I LOVE YOU" I returned much more seriously this time

My mind had cleared up from the alcohol so I could think and see clearly and the sight of confusion on Tubbo's face was too much for me to take

"I'm sorry, I knew this wouldn't been a mistake" I almost shouted as I quickly got up and ran away

I left the room and ran downstairs back to where the party was.

I felt so stupid, and there was a strong feeling in my stomach.

I immediately ran to wilburs back garden, another place that was off limits to the rest of the party but he allowed us to go there.

I rushed over to the bushes and immediately threw up. It felt horrible and as if my stomach was turning in on itself.

Not too long after I felt a hand softly pat me on my back

I looked up to see who it was with teary eyes and saw Tommy with a concerned look plastered on his face

"I knew this party was a bad idea" he sighed "you okay buddy?"

"No Tommy! I fucked up!" I cried

"Ooo mr boo swearing what happened?"

"I told Tubbo I loved him" I began sobbing

Tommy didn't say anything for a moment, he simply stared at me, his mouth slightly agape

"And?" Tommy asked wanting to know what happened next

"He said he loved me too... but then he laughed, I don't think he loves me like I love him, he only meant it as a friend... I don't know I ran away before he could say anything more"

"Shit" tommy cursed "give me a second" he added then rushed to the kitchen.

He came out a couple minutes later with water, mint and a snack "here have these, it'll make you feel better trust me" he smiled

"Thanks Tommy" I smiled standing up and drinking the water, gulping it down almost immediately.

"What do I do tommy?" I asked after swallowing the snack

"Do you want my honest opinion" tommy returned and I nodded finally chewing on the mint waiting for his answer

Tommy sighed "fine... even though this party is a horrible idea I think you should at least enjoy it, and since multiple people are here I think you should try and forget about tubbo for a bit you know?.. don't do anything stupid of course just try and enjoy yourself" he eventually smiled

I nodded and said "thanks" before I went back inside to use Tommy's advice


Tubbo POV:

I don't know how long I sat there for

In an empty room trying to make sense of what Ranboo had just told me

He loves me?
I was his crush

God it made so much sense now!

"Im so fucking stupid!" I shouted and held my head hunching over slightly

I let out a loud groan And then flopped back onto the bed.

"Shit! Shit! SHIT" I screamed out now punching the mattress

"I've fucked everything up" I cried to no one

Then a thought occurred

'Maybe I can resolve this. I'll find Ranboo and we'll talk about it'

I didn't even know if I felt the same way

But I rushed downstairs and and once I found him the jealousy that took over me revealed something

I definitely had a crush on Ranboo too

and I wanted to kill whoever was kissing him

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