One call

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Ranboo pov:

"W- what do you mean?" I stuttered

"Well you remember Jason... yeah that dick well- well he kinda called the cops...
and when they came they saw Jason on the floor bleeding with me standing over him so they- they arrested me" Wayne sighed

"That's insane! He tried to fight us" I cried trying to keep my voice down so I wouldn't wake Tubbo

"Well it happened... and I'm not gonna get out of this, Jason's parents are loaded so they can get the best lawyers... plus he's got dirt on me so I can't do much" Wayne spoke whilst I moved to the other side of the room

"No you can't go to prison- I won't allow it there's gotta be something I can do!" I whisper shouted

"Nope- I'm a goner" Wayne laughed "I love you Ranboo.
But do me a favour... be happy with tubbo you deserve it" Wayne finished

I was about to speak. To say something to keep him on the line, maybe try and help him.
But he ended the call, the line went dead and my heart broke a bit

I didn't realise it but tears began falling from my eyes.
My body felt heavy and my legs buckled underneath me forcing me to the ground

I don't know how long I'd been crying for but my eyes felt sore.

I didn't know it but it had woken Tubbo up, after a small groan from the unwanted consciousness he rushed over to me, he knelt down with me and brought me into his arms

"Hey. Hey what's wrong?" He cooed stroking my hair and brushing the tears away

"Wayne- he- he's been arrested and he'll be in prison" I cried out

"Wha- why! How!" Tubbo shouted back

"Jason" I simply said

I heard Tubbo growl under his breath

"I wish I never dated that bastard"

"I wish you never dated him either" I chuckled

"Jokes? At a time like this?" Tubbo giggled back

"I'm sorry it's just the way I'm trying to cope" I sobbed slightly in Tubbo's arms

I could feel him patting my back, and drawing small shapes along my body with his fingers

"It's not fair" I whispered

"I know boo. I know"  Tubbo returned

I could feel myself falling asleep so I slightly moved us so we were crouching on my bed, in each other's arms. Tubbo still stroking my back and comforting me.

He began humming a soft song, helping me drift of to sleep.

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