Long lasting love

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Ranboo POV:

I don't know how many times I kissed him, but with everyone it felt bette than the last,

It was addicting and intoxicating.

At skint point however Tubbo's lips sinkers lower to my neck, giving it small nibbles and allowing for bite marks and hickeys to be visible

I held back all the sounds I could in fear of Tubbo's mum hearing and also because it was embarrassing

Tubbo must've known however because he began giggling into every peck

"You're adorable" he laughed

I grabbed his face which temporarily stopped him from kissing me

"Not nearly as much as you are Tubbo" I smiled cupping his face and kissing him once more

I looked at the time and realised it was extremely late, verging on midnight

"I- I gotta go" I panicked, I wasn't even sure why I was panicking, it's not like my parents are ever at home

I assumed it was because I didn't want to be a burden for Tubbo and his parents.

As I got up to leave Tubbo grabbed my hand and tugged me back towards him

"I'm not letting you leave to walk home at this time" he said cuddling into me

"But it's lat-"

"No buts! You're staying here tonight and that's final...and pay back for making me sleep at yours when I'm drunk" He smiled

"You asked to come back to mine!" I playfully retort

"Nope you have no evidence of this" Tubbo giggled as i attacked him by pushing him onto his bed

"No fair! Your bigger and stronger than me" Tubbo complained squirming beneath me

"No this is perfectly fair" I giggled

Once Tubbo stopped moving and looked at me in my eyes he let out a small sigh

"What's wrong?" I asked

"It's nothing bad... just what do we tell everyone?" He replied

I thought about it for a moment, but Tubbo decided to give his input first

"Because I'm fine telling anyone and everyone that me and you are a thing, it couldn't make me happier... but wouldn't it look kinda bad, like you've just got into a relationship straight after your last one" Tubbo finally breathed

I brought Tubbo's hands to his chest so both mine and his were all together

"How about we only tell the close people.. you know like tommy and Wilbur?" I suggested

"Yeah... yeah that sounds perfect"

"Should we tell them tomorrow... at school?"

Tubbo let out a long groan "UGH! I forgot we have school! I haven't done any of my history homework"

"It's fine you can copy mine" I laughed finally laying next to him and wrapping him on my arms to cuddle

"Thank you boo"

"Anytime bee"

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