Tell me please

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Ranboo POV:

"Ranboo can you stand?" I heard tommy say. His words sounded blurred and quiet but I think that was more me than him

"Huh?" I groaned

"Can you stand...we need to get you to bed" tommy whispered

I leaned on him as he almost carried me to my bed and laid me down

"Can you stay until I sleep" I murmured

"Of course buddy" tommy smiled and began stroking my head


Tommy pov: (OMG WOW)

As soon as Ranboo fell asleep I left his house

I saw dream pulling up, indicating that Tubbo got home safely

"Don't make me drive him home again" dream groaned

"Wha- why?" I laughed

"He did nothing but complain about some guy... I think he was your friend- you know the really tall one" dream sighed

"What did he say?"

"Just dumb shit about wanting to know who his crush is... I don't really care I just don't want to do it again"

Dream entered the house and left me outside. Reluctantly I thought I'd call Tubbo

The phone rang for a split second before he picked up "IS RANBOO OK!" He shrieked

"Yes yes Tubbo he's fine. He just went to sleep" I laughed

"Oh I'm sorry" he whispered

"You idiot I'm not with him, I'm just outside his house"

"Oh" Tubbo said and it caused me to laugh even more

"I'm sorry" he added

"It's fine...
Was it even you that wanted to drink?" I asked

"No- Ranboo wanted to drink because of the fight, and I joined him... then we played some games and he told me he had a crush... I just- I want to know who it is that's all" he trailed off

"That sounds either jealous or possessive" I almost joked

"Do you know who it is?" Tubbo asked after a moment of silence

I decided to keep the silence going, not wanting to tell Tubbo that Ranboo has a crush on him without his permission

"Tommy?" He asked and I still remained silent, opening my jaw and then shutting it again

"Tommy you know! Tell me" Tubbo almost demands

He's not harsh about it but I could tell he wanted to know

Tell me please" he pleaded

"Tubbo it's not my place to say... why do you want to know so badly anyway" I asked, flipping the question onto him 

"I just- it's bec- I- I'm curious ok? Friends can be curious about others friends' crushes" Tubbo defends

I narrow my eyes and look toward my phone

"Right" I draw out

"Hey I'm just gonna sleep, hopefully I won't have a really bad hangover in the morning... see you later boss man" Tubbo chirped and ended the call

'What the fuck?'

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