Tommy effect

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Ranboo POV:

School was always a better place than home.

Not because I had a bad home life or anything, just being at home was lonely, my parents were never in and I liked the company of other people... even if I don't like talking to them

School also had a schedule, so I never had to worry about deciding what to do, because it was already planned.

But the best part about school.

Was when I'm in my history class and I get to stare at the petite boy just in front of me and to the left, just next to the wall so he could charge his phone when no one was looking.

"You need to stop staring... Jason will notice" Tommy warned as he placed his bag next to his seat next to me

"Well Jason isn't in this class so I'll be fine" I retorted

"Well now is fine I guess... a bit creepy, but fine. I meant like during your frees or at lunch, Jason will know and I don't really want to go to your funeral" Tommy joked but I knew he was right.

"Fine" I put my pen to paper and got on with some work


"Hey what's the answer to question 1?" Tommy whispered

"Tommy this is a test" I warned

"Yeah and I've got call of duty" Tommy replied

"What does that have to do with anything?" My close slightly raised, almost gaining the attention of the teacher

"Oh, I thought we were naming things we can cheat on" Tommy smiled

I let out a low sigh and gave in, practically giving him all the answers

"Thanks man you're the best" Tommy says just before he leaves the classroom ready to head to lunch.

As I was collecting my things I felt a tap on my pack,
When I turned around I had to look down at first but I saw Tubbo looking up at me, jumping up and down slightly

"You're in a good mood" I said

"Well yeah I had a great weekend... are you at your job today?" Tubbo asked

I nodded my head "straight after school until 7... why?"

"Well I wanted to come by and maybe pick your brain for some history tips, I didn't do to good o nth test"

Even though Tubbo only wanted to come to see me for basically private mentoring... I'd be an idiot to pass up the opportunity

"Yeah of cour-"

"The fuck are you doing with my boyfriend man?" I heard from just outside the classroom

My eyes darted to the sound of the voice and saw Jason "it's alright babe, I was just asking for  a bit of help" Tubbo intervenes

"Why would you do that, I'm all the help you need" Jason adds

I try my best not to laugh honestly, Jason is an idiot if he passes any of his classes I'd be surprised

"You don't take this class" Tubbo replies

"Whatever... just come on I'm hungry"

"Be right there, bye Ranboo, I guess I'll see you later" Tubbo smiled then skipped towards Jason

Now it was just me in the abandoned classroom, with my stomach growling.

At least I got to talk to Tubbo

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