The night

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Ranboo POV:

His laugh was so soothing

Even though my jokes were absolutely awful, and cringey, and fatherly.

He still laughed. It made me want to tell more.

I looked over to the booth where the trio sat, Tommy looked a bit heated as he stood up and walked over to us, claiming his usual stool coincidently next to Wayne

"Hey Tommy" I smiled "you good?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit of a disagreement" tommy sighed

"Everything alright bro?" Wayne asked

Tommy looked at Wayne, then looked him up and down before giving him a small smile

"Yeah it'll be alright. ANYWAY how are you two? I'm gonna need all the details" tommy laughed clapping his hands together

"What do you mean... details?" I asked and chuckled nervously

"I mean like how did you meet... I understand you took my advice a little too literally but that's fine" tommy said and winked at me

"Ha m... uh well we- I uh-" I stuttered

"Relax doll I got it" Wayne intervened and I couldn't be happier, both because he saved me from the awkward conversation but also because the nickname made my heart flutter

"So I was at the party... obviously... and when I saw this lanky drink of water dancing horribly I knew I HAD to talk to him, and teaching him to at least stand up properly whilst dancing was a great ice breaker" Wayne said making my face turn red

I quickly made Tommy another drink and whilst I did that Wayne continued explaining the night

Tommy seemed completely intrigued with what Wayne was telling him and it made me smile. That they were getting along.

I walked over to tommy and handed him his drink, he thanked me and then asked "so did you guys redo it?"

"Huh!" I exclaimed, turning even redder

"You know... IT, the birds and the bees, the devils tango, the bed stuff" tommy rattled

"No! Jesus tommy I've only known him for a night" I exclaimed

"But you won't back to his place?" Tommy said, confused

"Yes he went back to mine, but I just gave him some water so he sobered up a bit and then we admittedly made out for a bit but then he went back to sleep" Wayne intervened

"Oh thank god... I thought you might've done something whilst he was drunk you know like Jason has done" tommy slightly joked but I could tell he was being at least a little bit serious

"God I hate that bastard!" Wayne growled and even I was shocked

"You know Jason?" Tommy questioned

"Yeah I know him... he fucked me up badly, not physically like emotionally you know. He stole my- he stole someone from me" Wayne feared up and I placed a hand on his

"He's awful" I said

"He hurt you too?" Wayne asked

I nodded "physically"

"I'll kill him" Wayne states sternly

"No no! Wayne please don't, he- he won't bother us anymore... if you want to help can you do me a favour". I asked and he nodded

"Look out for Tubbo for me? He's the one Jason wants" I sighed

Wayne looked into my eyes, and then at Tubbo. Then back to me and nodded

"Anything for you"

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