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Ranboo POV:

I helped Tubbo get to my bed.

Once he laid down I assumed he fell straight to sleep so I headed out, making my way to the living room where I'd sleep on the couch

But a soft voice pulled me back "Ranboo" he called

I turned around and responded "yeah?"

"Can you stay with me... until I fall asleep" he requested

I nodded and pulled out my desk chair to sit next to the bed

"No... I mean WITH me, can- can you cuddle with me?" He asked, his eyes slightly opened but I could tell they were pleasing

I thought about it for a second before deciding it wouldn't be the biggest possible mistake I made tonight

"Sure" I hummed and crawled into bed

I laid just behind Tubbo, enough to know I was there with him but not enough that we were touching

He could tell I didn't want to get to close

"What's the matter? Afraid to cuddle?" He asked and slightly giggled

"No, no it's just- with Wayne-"

"Have you slept with him? Cuddled with him?" He asked

I took a gulp and looked away, even thought the room was dark it was a way to convince myself that I wasn't blushing ever so slightly

"Yes I've- ive done that but-"

"But what?"

"But it's just different... I- wanted to get over you Tubbo. And then Wayne came along and he's been perfect and I couldn't ask for anyone better but..." I trailed off

"But?" Tubbo asked

"He's not you" I sighed

I stared at the ceiling, contemplating the mistakes I've made, the decisions I've regretted.

I only stopped when Tubbo wrapped his arm around me and buried his head into my chest

"You're so honest and caring Ranboo" he mumbled

"I'm really not"

"You are... it's one of the reasons why I love you" he said, copying my words from a few weeks ago

Then he drifted of into sleep, and I followed soon after. Holding the petite boy in my arms.


I was awoken in the morning by a buzzing in my pocket. I groaned and sat up realising I never changed clothes last night.

I also realised Tubbo was still sound asleep, and still wrapped around me like I was his favourite teddy.
Followed by all the memories of last night. The drive. The call.
The kiss

I grabbed the phone from my pocket and looked at the caller

Incoming call: Wayne ❤️

I quickly answered it realising I had 6 missed calls from him

"Hey" I said

"Finally" he groaned "I've been worried sick... did you find Tubbo? Is he alright"

"Huh?.. oh yeah yeah... sorry I, I fell asleep after I brought him home" I chuckled trying not to wake Tubbo up

"Oh so you found him. That's good, Is he ok though?"

"Yeah he's fine. A bit hungover probably... but he hasn't woken up yet" I smiled looking at the boy snoring softly

"That's good then, since you're not a work today did you wanna go to the movies?" He asked

"Umm I'll see if Tubbo's ok first then I'll get back to you" I said

"Yeah alright, call me later?" He asked although it sounded more like a request

"Course" I smiled ending the call

My smile quickly faded when the conflicting feelings entered my mind.

I love Tubbo

But there's also Wayne... who hasn't done anything to me.

And I've cheated on him

I'm a horrible human being

I wish I could just teleport to a different dimension and hide

But when Tubbo started stirring awake and his eyes began to open, and the first thing he saw was me causing him to smile

My worries quickly faded and I felt at peace

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