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Ranboo POV:

"You- you guys broke up?" Tubbo stuttered

"Yeah... it- it just kinda happened" I lied hoping he wouldn't go further

Tubbo looked like he wanted to drop the subject but then Wilbur pressed in

"Come on man! You two were thick as thieves. Something had to have happened" he said

"I'm telling you guys, we just decided it was for the best" I urged

"Bullshit" Wilbur returned before we heard a loud "LANGUAGE" from another booth

"Listen... alright, we just decided it was for the best, for the both of us. That's it end of story" I snapped back, maybe a little too aggressively

I decided my hand had cleaned up and cooled down enough for me to put some lotion on it so I left the sink and went to the back, reaching for the first aid kit and grabbing some lotion to rub on my hand.

Whilst I sat on there, soaking up the silence for a few minutes I got a text

Tommy: hey man don't listen to them, you don't have to tell them if you don't want to, I know it's hard

I smiled at the text. Tommy was the only person who knew. He was who I went to after Wayne had kicked me out.

I told him a rough story of what happened leaving a few details out such as it being Tubbo who was the one who kissed me

Not too long after Wayne called me to say that we should end things. Not because I wasn't good for him. But because he couldn't date someone he didn't trust, and I broke that trust between us.

Lost in my own thought. I didn't see the second text that came through this time from Tubbo

Bee 🐝: I'm so sorry

I stared at the message for a deacons trying to figure out why he was apologising.

It couldn't have been because he thinks he's the cause of my break up. After all he didn't remember.

That thought still crushed my heart ever so slightly.

Me: don't be it's fine

Bee 🐝: it's not Ranboo. I need to talk to you

Me: of course what's wrong?

Bee 🐝: I'll tell you after your shift... in private?"

Me: yeah that's fine

I put my phone down and headed back to the til to complete my shift. I still had around 2 hours left but it was beginning to become later in the day so the orders would be slower

"Hey Wilbur and I are gonna go and do some school work so I'll see you tomorrow?" Tommy said as he began to get up to leave

"Yeah of course" I smiled

Tubbo stayed silent, sipping at his green tea which was on the verge of being empty

"Do you want another?" I asked

He quickly looked at me and shook his head without saying a word

Then the door chimed and in walked Wayne

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