Familiar place, familiaer feel

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Ranboo POV:

I saw the party.

There were so many people and not one of them looked any form of sober. And they didn't look like slowing down anytime soon.

I knew Tubbo wasn't in there so I kept driving, finally seeing the large forest but there was no sign of tubbo.

Luckily he called me again

Incoming call: bee 🐝

"Tubbo! I'm here where are you?" I began

There was a moment of silence, only the wind could be heard

"Boo I'm scared" he whispered

"What do you mean Tubbo? Where are you I've come to get you"

"I went into the woods... people walked near me and scared me so I ran" Tubbo sniffled I could hear him beginning to cry

"Tubbo shh it's ok"

"I'm sorry Ranboo. I'm really sorry" he cried

"Tubbo. Hey listen you have nothing to apologise for ok? You're gonna be alright I'm just outside the forest now"


"Yes Tubbo really, come out and you'll see me" I said trying to put a cheery voice on

It managed to work because Tubbo agreed then ended the call.

I was a bit worried momentarily but then I saw Tubbo emerge from the darkness

I waved at him from the car and he waved back, stumbling over ever so slightly

I rushed out of the car and to him, lending an arm around his back for stability

We finally got to the car and tubbo later back on the passenger seat

"I'm sorry Ranboo" he apologised again

I let out a soft chuckle "you've said... I told you there's nothing to be sorry for"

"There is... I hate Wayne" he said

I stopped momentarily, thinking about what Tubbo said

I glanced out of the window and back to Tubbo

"Oh- well... if I'm honest I could tell you wouldn't like him... but you don't have you like everyone I hang out with" I smiled hoping he'd feel better

"No Ranboo you don't get it" he said

"Then help me understand?" I asked

"Wayne's fucking perfect. He's been nothing but nice to you, and he's tried to be nice to me but I just ignore him"

"So you don't like him because you think he's perfect?" I returned

"No I hate him because I love you!" Tubbo shouted

I'm his drunk state I didn't know if he was being completely serious.

The one person I truly loved, who I tried to get over, manages to drag me back to his clutches over 3 words

"Tubbo I-" I tried to say something but Tubbo grabbed my face Forcing me to look at him

He stared at my eyes and glanced towards my lips before closing the invisible barrier between us.

As soon as our lips connected I felt fireworks release on my stomach, and any and all worries vanished.

One of my arms wrapped around Tubbo's waist pulling him as close as I could in the car.

One of Tubbo's hands snaked it's way into my hair, pulling and dragging at certain strands.

Our lips moved in perfect synchronisation and I could feel the smile on Tubbo's slips form

He bit down on my lips causing me to gasp opening my mouth enough for Tubbo to slip his tongue in, which in all honesty I didn't mind.

Tubbo took his time exploring my mouth with his tongue before I had my turn.

Before I knew it I had ran out of breath pushing Tubbo away as I gasped for air.

I looked back at Tubbo and cupped his face, and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

I could smell the alcohol on him, and it hurt me because he was doing this whilst he was drunk

"Come on let's get you home" I smiled as I started the car.

Driving back to my house

It wasn't until I got home that I remembered about Wayne

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