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Tubbo POV:

Ranboo kissed back

He said he loved me...
And now he's kissing some random guy I'm assuming he just met

I continued to stare and each second made my heart break a little bit more

Then the guy started kissing his neck and going further and further and I had to force myself to move  or I'd end up doing something stupid

I moved to the staircase and sat on the bottom step with an empty cup in my hand that I really wish was filled to the brim.

I would've moved to get more but I didn't want to run into Ranboo

Quickly after I sat down wilbur came over to me

"Hey man... you ok? You look down" he said

I could tell he was slightly tipsy but still at least conscious. I could probably talk to him

"I fucked things up with ranboo Wilbur" I sighed

Wilbur looked at me up and down "you and Ranboo were a thing?" Wilbur asked

"Oh- no no no... but he said he loved me... and I didn't say anything I just stayed there doe eyed and didn't say anything... and now he's munching on some other guys face and I was too late!" I cried

"Ranboos with a guy? Good for him" Wilbur quickly said and looked around to spot him

When he looked back at me he slightly panicked "I mean- uh... not good for him grr he should be with you!" He said and rubbed the back of his neck

"It's fine Wilbur... I just wished I loved him before tonight" I sighed

Wilbur then sat next me and placed a hand on my back.

He appeared to have sobered up at this point

"Do you want my experiences advice" he half smiled

"Yes please"

"Finding put you love someone this way isn't always a bad thing... now you can prove to him how much he means to you, you should tell him but after you know he's not in a relationship you know?" Wilbur spoke

"Did you do that?" I asked

"Yeah. I told this girl I loved her whilst she was in a relationship. It ended pretty bad because she still liked me too and her boyfriend wasn't too happy about it" he laughed slightly

"Well-" I began to talk but then I glanced at Ranboo who was leaving other that same guy

He looked happy and it hurt me to see his smile, so tears started to fall forcing me to look away and lean on wilburs shoulder

"Is that Wayne?" Wilbur asked

"I don't know" I cried "whose Wayne?"

"Tubbo I know you're not going to like this but- Wayne is actually a good guy ok?" He said and it hurt me a little more

"So Ranboo will be happy with him" I asked, the tears still streaming down my face

"It's too soon to tell" Wilbur finished

"Cmon let's get you some water" Wilber coaxed

We walked to the kitchen and saw Tommy.

I ran up to him and hugged him tightly

"Hey tubs... you ok?"

"No! Ranboo left with some guy" I cried


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