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Ranboo POV:

The rest of the week went by as normal, I did work, and school and helped Tubbo and Tommy out as best I could.

Now it was Saturday, I had the morning shift but Tommy still came to talk to me

"Why are you here so early!" Tommy complained

"Because I need to keep my job... you don't have to be here you know?" I replied

"Well how else are you doing to cope working, and complain about your crush on Tubbo" Tommy smirked

I simply sighed giving him his usual drink and going back to my job

About an hour or so passed and I told Tommy about the conversation I had with tubbo

"Do you think he'll want to come?" Tommy asked

"I don't know but I hope he's ok" I returned

Just then the door opened and in walked Tubbo, skipping towards the counter

"You seem to be in a good mood" I smiled seeing Tubbo happy made me happy

"Yeah well I wanted to watch that movie and take you up on that offer" Tubbo requested

"Of course... I finish at 12" I added

Tommy stared at me and rolled his eyes before turning to Tubbo and asking "what about Jason?"

My face turned red, why did he ask that!

"Oh uh well... he's to busy at his game, I'm sure he won't mind if I watched one movie without him" tubbo said.

"If you say so" Tommy returned then took a sip of his drink

"Well I'll definitely go with you" I added the smile on my face growing wider and wider at the thought of watching a movie with tubbo, even if Tommy was with us

"I may as well come to" Tommy sighed

"Yay!" Tubbo cheered


When my shift ended the first thing we did was make our way to the cinema.

The movie we wanted to watch wasn't in too high of a demand so we had a pretty empty cinema to pick seats from

We sat relatively central to the screen, Tommy to my left and tubbo to my right.

Tommy had convinced me to buy popcorn for us all so I held it on my knee whilst the two next to me occasional took pieces from.

"I'm so excited" Tubbo whispered whilst bouncing in his seat.

Suddenly the movie started and I couldn't be interested in the movie at all, all I could focus on was Tubbo and his wide smile.

About half way into the movie, I felt a small amount of weight fall into my right shoulder.

I looked to my right and saw Tubbo had rested his bed there

My face heated up and probably turned red, luckily the cinema was dark so no one would notice

"I'm sorry, Is this ok?" Tubbo asked as he nudged a bit closer

"Ye- yeah of course" I stuttered

I looked to my left and saw Tommy smile at me, I shook my head telepathically telling him 'it's not what you think' only for Tommy to roll his eyes then look back at the film

I reached for some popcorn only to accidentally grab Tubbo's hand.

We looked at each other for a second then shared a small giggle.


When the movie finally ended, I didn't even realise what had happened during it. I was too busy focused on... something else.

We left the cinema and started talking about the film, although it was mainly Tubbo and Tommy that were engaged in the conversation.

Just then we bumped into another person, as I looked up it was Jason.

He was with another guy and preparing to head into one of the screens

"Jason... what are you doing here?" Tubbo asked, tilting his head slightly

"I uh- I could ask you the same thing" Jason returned

"Well I wanted to watch a film and Ranboo suggested-"

"RANBOO! What is he you're new boyfriend now hmmm? Because that would mean you're cheating on me" Jason shouted, whilst gazing at me, staring daggers into my soul

"Wha- no no it was just as friends, I promise!" Tubbo almost cried

"Whatever. Just don't let it happen again. I've gotta go" Jason said then left to watch his movie

Tubbo just stood there, almost crying.

I didn't know what to do

This felt like my fault

Tommy then nudged my shoulder and whispered to me "go talk to him, try and cheer him up"

Then I walked over to Tubbo trying to think of anything that could work

"Umm Tubbo? Would you maybe like to get some ice cream? To take your mind off of things"

Tubbo looked at me and nodded wiping a tear from his eyes

"Yes please"

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