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Tubbo POV:

I may or may not have skipped class

I simply walked away immediately after Tommy told me.

He called after me a couple times but I simply ignored him.

As soon as I tried to leave the class the teacher tried to speak to me

"Toby! If you leave this classroom you'll have an hour after school!" He screamed

"Whatever" I sighed

I rolled my eyes as he scolded me and left the classroom

As I strolled through the halls trying to find Ranboo.

Eventually I saw him at his locker, taking some items out.

I audibly gulped and headed towards him

"Hey... you weren't in history" I said tapping him on the shoulder

"Shouldn't you be in class, plus you don't want to talk to me right?" Ranboo responded

"What?" I asked

"Jason... he said you hated me now"

"And you believed him" I asked

"Well you've ignored me for the last few days" he said

"Listen... the last few days i stopped talking to you because I knew- I knew you were right! I knew Jason wasn't good but I wash childish and just didnt want to admit it... I want to keep you close! I missed you" I admitted

His expression lit up "well I've got to go anyway" Ranboo sighed

"What do you mean" I asked til with my head with curiosity

"I- I had a fight with Jason, well he punched me...
I tried not to retaliate but I did... he brought you into it- anyways... I've been suspended" Ranboo said

It forced me to go silent

"What!" I shouted

"Well because Jason is kinda the golden boy being a school athlete they took his side... so I've been suspended for the rest of the week" Ranboo said finally fishing out the rest of his locker

"That's stupid!" I shouted... probably disturbing some of the other classes

"Well it's how it is" Ranboo sighed finally grabbing his bag and leaving

"I can come with you?" I asked

"Please don't... because I plan on drinking and I'll say something I'll regret" Ranboo admitted

"Why do you want to drink?" I asked genuinely curious

"Because I've refused to all my life... looking for the right reason- but I've finally found it- the love of my life being mad at me and then getting suspended from school" Ranboo said

"You have a crush on someone" I asked

"Yeah" he returned

"Can I know who it is?" I playfully toyed

"Maybe after a few drinks" he stated almost smiling at me and allowing me to follow him

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