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Ranboo POV:

I didn't really remember what happened when I was drunk but I did know that I was late for work

Well I would be late, if I didn't drive there.

As I stood up, I almost immediately dropped back down due to the share pain that struck my head.

I felt sick, like unbelievably sick so I rushed to the toilet and let all of everything out.

I felt horrible.

"I'm never drinking again" I said to myself groaning as I stood up.

Putting my work clothes on was a daunting task that required to much effort but I pushed through the pain and did it anyway.

When I got to work I parked in the staff area and the first person to see me was Sam

"YOU HAVE A CAR DUDE?" He exclaimed and I nodded

"Why the hell are always late then?" He joked and I shared a smile only to look back at the floor

"Dude you ok?" He asked holding my side to keep me up right

"Yeah... just a little under the weather" I returned

"If you need the day off I can cover for you. It's really no problem" Sam offered

I shook my head "no Sam I'm fine honestly I've got it" I assured

"If you say so man" Sam spoke and helped me into the cafe

"Ah Ranboo good you're here- you ok?" Phil asked

"Yeah just a little ill nothing I can't handle" I once again assured

"Right. How about you have a bit longer for your break today ok? We can't have you over doing yourself" Phil smiled and I nodded


The first half of my shift went well, nothing to draining happened just a few rush orders nothing more.

So my head wasn't pounding like mad

That was until Tommy came in

He rushed over to the counter and practically pulled me to his level by my collar "why the fuck are you working! After last night?" He whispered trying not to gain the attention of anyone else

"I need the money" I responded

"No you need a break" tommy returned

There was a moment of silence whilst I did Tommy's usual order even without him asking

"This is becoming to much for you Ranboo. With your job, constantly worrying about tubbo and don't forget bout school. You need to have a vacation or something" tommy huffed

"Tommy I'm fine"

"Yeah you were really fine last night" Tommy scoffed

"Why what actually happened?" I asked

"Well firstly-" tommy was cut off by the door opening and tubbo walking in

He also rushed over to the counter to say hi

"MEOW MEOW! Why are you working shouldn't you be like resting?" He asked

"No Tubbo I'm fine... why are you here?" I asked

"Oh- I uh... I wanted a coffee" He said but it sounded more like a question

"Don't you normally have green tea?" I returned

"Uh oh yeah- yeah I'll have the green tea" he smiled and my head immediately cleared up

The memories of last night also came back. The truths and the lies and the annoying nickname Tubbo kept calling me. But I endeared it all so I could see that smile

"Alright. One green tea coming up" I smiled and looked at tommy who sent me a warning glare

"Here you are" I said handing over the drink to Tubbo.

Another moment of silence occurred whilst Tubbo took a sip of his drink. The quiet was broken when the entrance door slammed open


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