Party people

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Tubbo POV:

Wilbur and I left the cafe to set up the party

Wilbur texted a bunch of people telling them about the party whilst I brought drinks to the tables

We joked for a bit about how Ranboo said he wouldn't drink again and then immediately decided that going to a proper party was a good idea.
But we didn't judge him, we all could've done with the drink

It got to around 10 and ranboos shift had ended, he pulled up to wilburs house with Tommy and came inside

"I don't agree with this" tommy huffed as he crossed his arms

"Lighten up a little man. We're just going to have a good time" Wilbur returned patting him on the back

"I don't have a good feeling about this" tommy grumbled


After a couple of hours the party really began to heat up. Many people came and the house was pretty much packed

If it wasn't for the fact that Wilbur said the upstairs was off limits I wouldn't have any where to go to get some moments of quiet.

On one such moment I sat in wilburs bedroom with my eyes closed just relaxing, I had drank a relatively decent amount... around a bottles worth... of vodka.

Suddenly the door swung open and Ranboo drunkenly strolled in "HEYYY TUBBO!" He slurred as he jumped onto the bed

"Wilbur let you up here aswell?" I asked and he nodded

"Are you ok? You've drank a lot" I added  once again he nodded

There was a moment of silence "I guess I'm a bit sad" he admitted as he sat up

"Oh no! Why?" I asked placing a hand on his shoulder

"I guess it's because I know that he doesn't love me or ever will" Ranboo sighed

"Are you talking about your crush?" I asked and he nodded

"How can you tell?" I added

"I just know Tubbo... he's the best person I know, and one of my closest friends and I love him to death but in the back of my mind and in my heart I know he only sees me as a friend" Ranboo sighed, I could see the water in his eyes threaten to spill

"Ranboo you're a great guy... anyone would be lucky to have you" I said moving my hand to his, holding it.

"Tubbo I- I don't know what to do. I want to tell him so badly but if he doesn't reciprocate my feelings then it would mess everything up!" Ranboo shouted

"I think you should give it a go. And I'll always be here if you need me" I said

"I know. That's one of the reasons why I love you Tubbo"

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