Wilbur soot

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Tubbo POV:

Wilbur nodded and took me into the cafe

Once Ranboo saw me he practically jumped over the counter and rushed towards me

I pulled him into a hug and held him tight. Like I didn't want to let go.

My heart felt warm and cozy and eyes stopped watering

"Are you ok!" He panicked

"Mhmm" I hummed into the crook of his next

"What happened out there?" He whispered into my ear

I shook my head, indicating I didn't want to talk about it.

He didn't push the topic

He simply picked me up, almost effortlessly and carried me over to a stool next to Tommy

The other people in the cafe kept sending me concerned glares but I just ignored them Trying my hardest not to be completely embarrassed

I looked at Ranboo who was back behind the counter "can I have another green tea please?"

"Of course" he said and went to complete my order

"You good man?" Tommy asked

I nodded and felt a presence next to me

I turned around and saw wilbur had sat down too

"What happened?" Tommy asked

I still didn't want to say anything but wilbur decided to answer

"Oh just Jason being a prick. Honestly I don't know why people talk to him, why I talk to him. He's an arsehole you know he convinced my girlfriend to leave me?" He said and both tommy and I looked at him in shock

"Well he convinced her to leave me for this guy called Jared anyway... god I hate him" Wilbur growled

Ranboo delivered me his drink and sent me a soft smile

"On the house" he winked

I smiled back and gulped the drink down as best I could

"I'm gonna kill him" Ranboo growled looking at my wrist which had bruised since I was out

"Ranboo you don't know how to fight" tommy interjected

"Dodnt stop me before" he said nonchalantly

His eyes went from pretty grey to basically red, I could sense the pure hatred in him in was worrying

He started staring outside of the window, almost looking for Jason.

I didn't know if I could help on any way but I reached over the counter and placed my hand on top of his

He seemed to calm down and I could see a smile creep onto his face

"I could go for a drink" Ranboo muttered

"No Ranboo you're still recovering from yesterday! And you've got work tomorrow" tommy scolded

"I could drink" Wilbur joined in

"No" tommy said once again

"Same here" I laughed

"So wanna go drinking at my place after Ranboo finishes work?" Wilbur asked and I looked at Ranboo then back at wilbur and nodded

"Want to invite some more people? Make it a party?" He offered

"I suppose so" Ranboo giggled and tightened his grip on my hand playfully sending me a soft smile.

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