Breakfast in bed

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Tubbo pov:

I woke up and heard the soft snoring of Ranboo, who still rested on my arms.

The memories of last night came back to me Ranboo sobbing and Wayne being arrested. It was all so much.

This must be eating him up, I'm glad I managed to get him to sleep, he'll need all the rest he can get.

I wish I could help Wayne, so I could make Ranboo feel better, but I barely have any money so I can't afford a world class lawyer for him.

I decided the best thing I could do right now was try to make Ranboo feel as comfortable as possible.

I made my mind up with something I could do so I rushed to the kitchen turning the oven on and started placing eggs and bacon in different pans

I got some bread and placed it on the toaster, whilst I waited for the food to be done I walked through the different rooms of the house trying to tidy up a little bit.

I saw Wilbur sleeping on the couch with a smile plastered on his face whereas tommy was face first on the floor drooling.
I thought I'd snap a photo that Ranboo and I could laugh at later.

The timer went off and I walked into the kitchen and collected the food, scraping it up and putting it on a plate and tray

I walked it back to ranboos room and conveniently he was awake with a saddened expression

"Good morning boo... are you ok?" I asked

"No... you weren't here when I woke up" he spoke, his voice gruff from having just woke up and it sent chills down my spine

"Oh... I'm sorry boo- here I made breakfast for you to make up for it" I smiled offering him the tray

"Ohh tubs... you didn't have to" he whispered taking the tray off of me and patting his side silently asking me to sit with him

"I know... but I wanted to. You deserve it"

"For what?" Ranboo slightly laughed and his giggle filled my heart with life

"Being just you!..
And I know the last day hasn't been the best because off..." my voice trailed off but Ranboo understood what I was saying

"I know the situation with Wayne isn't ideal but you also have to remember what happened yesterday and the day before. We started dating Tubbo!" Ranboo exclaimed

He took a breath "I'm upset that Wayne is in prison and I know I will be for a while... but I'm also so so happy that I can hold you on my arms and call you my boyfriend"

I wanted to tear up there and then

"I love you so much boo" I whispered hugging his side

"And I love you Tubbo" he returned

"And as for Wayne... I don't know what we can do" Ranboo sighed

Just then tommy came bursting into the room "GUYS YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS!"

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