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Tubbo POV:

It's been a week


And they're still all lovey dovey every chance they get

Wayne doesn't even go to our school but he waits outside everyday or he meets Ranboo at his work so he can say hi

It's disgustingly sweet

When I've gone to the cafe he's tried to strike up a conversation, but everytime he does I say 'I'm tired' or 'I need to work'

Horrible excuses but I can't stand him.

And I feel like a bad person because he's been nothing but nice to me and Ranboo. He's given me no reason to hate him.

Tommy's words kept springing in the back of my head 'he's happy' and he was.

It was the only thing keeping me from telling Ranboo I love him.

Today at the cafe he left for a couple minutes to take a phone call, which I happened to hear. Definitely not because I discretely followed him.

"Hey man

No. No he doesn't know

What do you mean have I seen him?

Why would I?

If I do he's a dead man

No. If he goes near me or him I'll literally kill him

And the other one

Why would I tell him, he wants him to be safe so I can't turn my back on him

He's no ones property man!

Oh fuck off! I'm sick of hearing all this Jason shit just deal with it and stop calling me!"

He sounded angry. Like really angry. Uncharacteristically angry.

But he did remind me of someone.


So I'm a fit of desperation and rage, and probably sadness.

I decided to text him

Hey Jason

Tubbo! Baby took your time

Yeah sorry I just need someone to talk to

Alright baby, where are you

No it's fine. I'll come to you

Back to my place huh?
I like it ;)

Yeah I'll see you in 10

I knew it would be bad.

But I couldn't stop myself.

"See you later Ranboo" I said standing up to leave the cafe

"Oh... you're going? But it's only 5" Ranboo replied

"Yeah I've just got things to do" I lied

I saw Ranboo have a quick glance at Wayne who was still outside and then back at me

He looked worried "oh- ok... see you later Tubbo" he smiled slightly

The look in his eyes was almost enough to stop me in my tracks


I left cafe and walked past Wayne who waved at me as I strolled past him. I opted to ignore him and pretend I was listening to music.

I got on the bus and slowly but surely made my way to Jason's house,
Where I would probably end up crying and drinking.

Never a good combination

But a common one

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