Worry for the sleepless

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Ranboo POV:

I had been worrying about tubbo for the rest of the day.

All of us had been texting and calling him, me Wilbur and tommy.

Once I finished work I went to his house to see if he was there but his mum said he was with his boyfriend.

The look of disgust on her face upset me slightly but I looked over it

I thanked her and called Wayne

"Hey Wayne" I greeted allowing a sad sigh to pass my lips

"Hey doll... everything ok?" Be asked

"Tubbo- Tubbo's gone missing, and he had hickeys on his neck and he said they were from Jason and I jus-" I spoke quickly forcing wayne to cut me of

"Hey hey slow down. One breath at a time ok?" He said and I could hear the soft smile in his voice

"Are you free? This will be better in person" I asked

"Yeah of course just come over... I'll set up the couch and we can cuddle and watch a movie after you tell me if you want, to get your mind of things. I'm sure your worried sick" wayne offered

"Yeah....yeah that sounds perfect thank you"

"You want hot coco?"

"Of course" I smiled through the phone


When I pulled up to Wayne's house he was waiting outside.

I rushed up to him and he pulled me into a hug

I leaned my head down to the crook of his neck and he stroked my hair

"Hey doll... come in and tell me what's wrong" he whispered and I nodded

I sat down on his couch next to a bunch of pillows and blankets

It took a moment before wayne joined me but when he did he had two cups of hot coco in his hand and a large bag of popcorn he was holding with his teeth

"Need any help?" I chuckled

"Nmm I got mmt"

"What" I laughed

He finally put the cups and bag down "I said no I got it" he smiled sitting next to me

"Now rest your head here and tell me what's happened" wayne spoke as he patted his lap

I did as he said, resting my head onto his lap as he began stroking my hair again, brushing some of it out of my eyes

"Tubbo came to the cafe today" I said and Wayne hummed in acknowledgement

"Wilbur and tommy started tickling him. Don't ask. Anyway I saw a mark just under his t shirt so I asked about it, probably a bit to aggressively, and he told us that Jason gave him hickeys" I spoke

Wayne stopped brushing my hair to lean down and kiss me on my forehead

"Then what happened... if you're ok to continue"

"Then he stormed off. And has been ignoring us ever since" I huffed

"I'm sure he's fine Ranboo, he's a smart guy although a bit impulsive. He won't do anything too reckless" wayne assured

"I hope so... can we watch a movie?" I asked

"Of course doll... you pick"


I made Wayne watch Bridget Jones. The entire trilogy

By the second movie he had fell asleep and was resting on my shoulder but I continued to watch.

Once the movie finished I tried to get some sleep but I kept worrying, it forced my mind to race and eyes to stay open

Out of no where I got an incoming call

Incoming call: bee 🐝

I immediately dashed to answer it slightly knocking Wayne to one side

"Tubbo! Hey! Are you ok?!"

"Ranboo *hic* heyyyyy budddyyy" he slurred

"Tubbo please for the love of god tell me you haven't been drinking"

"Can't do that booo *hic*"

"Tell me where you are. I'm coming to pick you up"

"*hic* I'm at the road where the forest road is you know the dark trees haha" Tubbo giggled

"Alright fine. Stay there! I'm on my way"

I rushed to get my jacket until Wayne spoke

"Everything ok?" He mumbled in his sleepy state

"Yeah just- Tubbo's drunk and I'm going to pick him up. He'll probably end up going to mine so I'll see you tomorrow" I said

"Alright doll. I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled

I dashed out the door and headed to my car, driving as fast as I legally could and then some to get to Tubbo before something stupid happens

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