Ignorance isn't bliss

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Ranboo POV:

The weekend was over, and my body had healed from Jason's attacks, but my mind hadn't.

It was still replaying the memories of that night over and over, from the phone call off of tubbo to the rant to Tommy.

It felt nice to be back in school, I could simply relax and be by myself yet with the presence of other people.

The concept of being alone with others never made sense until I was know as the quiet kid in school.

The other positive of being back at school was that I could talk to Tubbo... if he wanted to speak to me

I was lucky enough to have history with him as my first class.

I watched as he walked into the classroom and I felt a smile creep onto my face, he walked past the teacher who scolded him for being late and into his chair

He saw me looking at him but simply looked away, and paid attention to class.

We got given a task to do around 15 minutes into the lesson.

I finished ahead of everyone which allowed me to move around the classroom freely to see if others needed help, naturally I went to Tubbo.

Not because he DID need help, but he wasn't the best at history... also I have a massive crush on him and it was a great way to talk to him.

"Hey Tubbo...need any help?" I asked

"I'm good" he returned coldly

I still stood there awkwardly, I glanced at his paper and he hadn't even began yet, but I remained there with my arms behind my back simply waiting for something... anything

"Did you get home alright when you-"

"Yeah I got home fine... actually I went to Jason's, I slept at his" Tubbo cut me off.

The mention of his name made me angry more so than it normally does

"Believe it or not he wasn't trying to fuck anyone else when I got there so I guess you were wrong" Tubbo added

"Tubbo I didn't mean it like that-"

"Save it!.. now piss off I need to do my work" Tubbo groaned

I reluctantly went back to my table with my head hung low.

As I sat down Tommy leaned into me "how did it go?"

"How do you think Tommy" I replied putting my head into my hands

"Hey come on now... I'm sure he's just having a bad morning, why don't you try again later?" Tommy suggested

I mentally groaned 'this is going no where'

"Yeah I- I guess you're right"

"I know I am... now what's the answer to number 6?"


I did what Tommy said.

I waited

And it was painful

The entire history class went by so much slower, and then when we had break and I forced myself not to talk to him.

This felt like I was having withdrawal symptoms, like I was addicted to him.

But the end of the day finally came and I praised whatever god there was that I had work so I'd have something to do so I didn't have to think about tubbo

I ran to the bus stop and of course it was running late.

When I finally got to work I was 20 minutes late, thankfully Sam covered for me

"You owe me" he winked and I mouthed a 'thank you' as he left

I walked to the cash register and took some orders, eventually Tommy came in asking for his usual to which I handed him immediately knowing he would be here

Around an hour into my shift the door opened and the bell chimed and in walked Jason, with some girl wrapped around his shoulder

"YO! CASH DUDE!" He shouted

I groaned and smiled at him "may I take your order"

He must have recognised me because he went stiff, and his face turned into a snare

"Its you!" He growled

"I don't know what you mean" I returned with the notebook in my hand ready to take his order

"You're the guy who is constantly trying to get with Toby" he shouted

"It's Tubbo man... you should know he hates being called toby"

"Whatever... just don't you fucking dare tell him I'm here, and with someone got it!" He threatened

I could see the rage in his eyes

"Yeah got it" I whispered, my throat felt dry

"And I'll have a black coffee, and make It snappy We've got a movie to catch" he ordered

I started making it but as I turned to make it I saw Tommy on his usual stool with his phone out, winking at me whilst I completed the order

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