Kiss of death

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Ranboo POV:

I did what Tommy said.

I went back into the party and started dancing

Admittedly it was very bad dancing and it looked like I was about to fall over at any given second.

I felt a hand drape around my waist helping me stabilise my body, making it easier for me to dance

"Thanks" I smiled

The guy whose arm was around me smiled, he had piercing blue eyes and shaggy blonde hair, his smile was soft and he stared into my eyes

"My names Wayne" he smiled

"Ranboo" I returned

His hand lingered on my waist longer than normal so I decided to be bold

I raised my arms and placed them on his shoulder

The music swayed us rhythmically and we naturally got closer together, he leaned closer to me and towards my ear

"You come to parties often?" He asked

"My first one" I answered

Wayne backed away slightly and looked down to my lips

"Then let me make this one to remember" he smirked and pulled me closer

He connected our lips and at first I was shocked, but after the initial reaction I began to kiss back, using Tommy's advice.

Our lips moved in synchronisation, and it felt good. Too good.

After the kiss broke apart I was slightly out of breath "that was my first kiss" I admitted

Wayne's eyes widened "seriously?" He asked as he smirked was placed back onto his face

I hummed and nodded

"You're very good at it" he whispered as he pulled me back in for another kiss.

His hand moved to the back of my neck and he pushed forward slightly deepening the kiss so I moved my hands to his back pulling him in closer

His hand then moved to my hair as he began to pull at it slightly.

When the kiss broke apart, instead of going back to talking Wayne moved his lips along my jaw and down to my neck.

He placed little butterfly kissed along my jaw first then nibbled at my neck.

Before I knew it the nibble turned into soft bites, which were sure to leave marks

I let out a noise almost instantly that made me immediately embarrassed

I wanted to hide away into a corner but Wayne simply looked at me and giggled "you're so cute, you don't have to be embarrassed darling" he smiled and went back to my neck

This went on for a couple of minutes and when Wayne stopped I almost felt disappointed

"Wanna get out of here? I don't live far" he asked holding my hand

I nodded and squeezed his hand slightly

As we started to leave the house I saw Tubbo sat on the stairs, slightly teary eyed talking to wilbur.

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