Another half

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Tubbo pov:

Safe to say tommy was pissed

After I told him he decided to rush out of the party and find Ranboo before he was gone.

Unfortunately it was too late

We called and texted him a few times even saying it was an emergency to see if we could get his attention.

Then we left it...until we woke up in the morning

Although both me and Wilbur had a hangover we still tried our hardest to contact Ranboo but he still wasn't responding.

Tommy had continued to spam him but it was to no affect

We all decided to go to the cafe to get a drink and maybe see him.

Luckily we did

Finally I got to see him again and my heart skipped at just the sight of him, Tommy seemed fuming but then I realised...

That guy was there...Wayne

Laughing and joking with ranboo while he worked

I twisted my stomach and made me feel cold to my core.

Before i knew it everyone had gone to the til to order drink and I just stood at the entrance staring at Wayne.

Secretly hoping Ranboo accidentally poured boiling hot coffee onto his face

Eventually I walked to the til aswell

"Whose nex-...hey...Tubbo" Ranboo said, pausing for a moment to recognise me

"What uh- what do you want to drink... green tea?" He asked and I nodded, slightly glancing at Wayne

Ranboo must've noticed because he decided to introduce us "uhhh Tubbo meet Wayne. Wayne this is Tubbo" he awkwardly laughed

"Hey buddy" Wayne greeted

I hated him, his strong looking complexion his slightly tanned skinned, that way his hair was beautifully combed. EVERYTHING

"Yeah... hey" I grumbled

"You ok tubs?" Ranboo asked and even though I'd heard it before, I melted at the nickname

"Yeah jus- just tried is all" I returned

"Oh- oh yeah you're probably hungover... here have this on the house as well as the green tea" Ranboo smiled giving me a slice of cake and a pill I assumed to be aspirin with a cup of water

I looked to my left and noticed Tommy wasn't in his usual spot. Instead he was sitting in a booth with Wilbur chatting quietly

I decided to walk over and sit down

"What are we talking about?" I asked

"You're not going to like it" Wilbur warned

"Why?" I returned

"Wayne" Wilbur said

I glanced at Wayne who was happily chatting to ranboo once again

"Why won't I like it" I demanded
Wilbur stayed quiet so I looked to tommy and nudged his side a little

"I think Wayne's good for him" tommy sighed


"Keep it down!" Tommy whisper shouted

"How could you think he's good for Ranboo. He's known him a day!" I argued back

"Look at them. Yes he's known him a day but he looks happier than he's been in a long time, besides what's it to you" tommy returned

"I- it's just- bec-" I gave up and sighed

"Last night... I- I realised I loved Ranboo too. I went to tell him but by the time I did he... he was with Wayne"

"You two have the worst timing. You're like phineas and Isabella from that cartoon" tommy joked

"I think ranboos just in a honeymoon period. Give it a week or two- maybe a month and he'll realise Wayne isn't for him" Wilbur intervened

"But-" I was about to argue but Tommy jumped in

"Listen I know you love him now. It's one hell of a timing you have but I guess it's better then never. But you need to listen to me. Ranboo is one of my best friends and he's happy. Don't you dare get involved and try and break them up because you're jealous. Ranboo didn't intervene with you and Jason until Jason beat him up and he was lining after you or ages got it!" Tommy warned

I'd never seen him like that so I simply gulped and nodded

I looked over to ranboo and Wayne again and realised Tommy was right

He was really happy

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