Public scene

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Tubbo POV:

My skin crawled and I could feel the shiver run down my face

I refused to turn around knowing exactly who it was

Suddenly a man from the staff room came out "hey! We don't allow that kind of attitude in here!" Said the man

"WELL GET HIM TO COME WITH ME AND I'LL BE ON MY WAY!" I heard him shout, I could feel his hand pointing at me from across the room

"No he's staying here!" I heard Ranboo shout

Safe to say I was rather shocked by the aggression in his voice, so much so that I just stared at him

"OH YOU WANNA GO AGAIN!" Jason shouted

"If that's what it takes for you to fu-"

I cut him off by standing up and letting out a huge sigh

"It's fine!" I shouted

"Tubbo no-" I could Ranboo off once again

"I'll be fine" I said winking at him and holding his hand briefly before leaving with Jason

He walked me to his car in the parking lot and almost pinned me up against it

"Cmon baby... you didn't mean what you said the other day did you" Jason smirked placing one hand on my face to make me look at him

"I know you still love me" he whispered leaning down to kiss me

I turned away and slightly shoved him away

"Jason I don't love you!" I cried

"That's not what you said the other night baby" he cooed menacingly

"That's because I thought I did... but now I know that it was just stupid" I said crossing my arms

"Oh and by the way a little birdie told me that you had a little drinking session" Jason growled coming close to me once again

"Wha- how?"

"My good buddy dream told me... bless him he's been having a rough couple days with his boyfriend an all" Jason laughed

"Well so what! I can drink with whoever I want" I returned trying to push him away

"Even if that person has a crush on you?" Jason smirked

I went silent

He must be joking

"He only got you drunk so he could take advantage of you baby" Jason said leaning down to the crook of my neck running his lips along it

"If he wanted to take advantage of me he would've! Besides he doesn't like me like that... he likes someone else" I shouted pushing him off me as best I could but it didn't really work

"Please... it's so obvious! He's had a crush on you since you dated me, probably before" Jason laughed

He returned to lean in for the third time getting closer to my neck "can you imagine all those times he waited outside the parties for you" he whispered and my body shuddered

"Do you think he knows what we were doing whilst he waited in the car for his pretty little angel" he spoke

His hands began to trail down my body and reaching around to my back

"Maybe he wanted to watch" Jason laughed

And that was the final straw I pushed him away and kicked his legs and tried to run.

I didn't get very far as Jason grabbed my arm, dragging me back to his grasp

"Oh no! You're coming with me, we gotta sort out our issues baby" Jason growled

"NO!" I screamed and struggled in his grip.

I felt a gush of wind pass my and then the harsh grip on my wrist loosened.

I looked towards Jason and he was lying on the floor, to his right stood wilbur slightly out of breath

"Jesus Christ man are you ok?!" Wilbur asked

He shook his hand to try and get some of the pain away

"Ye- I am now... thank you so much!" I dropped to my knees

"The fuck is his problem!" Wilbur exclaimed

"I- he- I" I stuttered but wilbur just shushed me and rocked me in his arms

"Do you need to go anywhere?" Wilbur asked

I nodded into his chest


"Take me to ranboo please" I cried

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