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Ranboo pov:

After I dropped Tubbo off I went to Wayne's house.

I felt completely guilty

Like if ruined something only I know about

I knocked on his door and once he answered his adorable smile was plastered on his face as he brought me into a hug

"Ranboo! Good morning" he cheered

"Morning Wayne" I smiled into his arms

"How are you? How's Tubbo?" He asked allowing me to enter the house. Closing the door behind him

"I'm fine, and you know how Tubbo is" I chuckled

"Yeah... do you want food? I was just about to put some pasta on" wayne asked from another room

"That would be lovely thanks" I returned

I sat on his couch and turned on his tv noticing Bridget Jones was still paused on its place from last night.

I decided to continue watching it, letting the comedy and sadness of her life overtake my worries for a moment

Before I knew it... the food was ready

Wayne brought me into his dining room and lit a candle, making the rooms essence filled with a romantic aura as he dimmed the lights with it

"I thought I may as well make this special" wayne winked pulling out a chair for me to sit on

I thanked him and began eating.

I avoided his gaze throughout the meal, constantly thinking of the events of last night.

Whilst I ate my food, he tried to engage in small talk and I answered all of the questions he gave me but I never took it further than one sentence answers

"Hey... Ranboo?" He said and I ignored it for a moment

"Ranboo" he said a bit louder.

This time it got my attention

I snapped my head to look at him and his eyes had sadness in them

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine... how are you" I returned

"I'm worried doll. You've been distant this entire meal... I know I kinda sprung this on you but I thought it would be nice" wayne said

"I'm- I'm sorry... it's not you I've just got something on my mind. That's all"

"Well you can tell me doll. I wouldn't be much of a boyfriend if I let you be worried all the time" he chuckled hoping I'd return the laugh

But I didn't, I stated still twiddling at the pasta with my fork

"Ranboo please tell me... you haven't even looked at me since you sat down, Is it something I've done?" Wayne asked

"No. No! I already told you it's nothing to do with you I'm just- thinking" I sighed

"Boo... please tell me" he reached his hand over the table to hold mine, making me look into his eyes.

They were silently screaming at me to tell him what was wrong

I couldn't tell him.

He'd hate me... right?

"Would you still love me if I messed up?" I asked

Wayne let out a slight chuckle "well that depends... but I doubt I could ever just stop loving you. Why did you kill someone"

"No... no I didn't" I whispered.

"But I messed up" I added

Wayne placed another hand on mine

"Whatever it is... I'm here with you" he smiled

"Tubbo kissed me last night" I blurted out

Wayne was taken aback

I could feel his hands twitch and clench slightly

"Right- right but he was drunk? And you didn't kiss back right?" Wayne said, trying to convince me in a way

I simply remained silent

"Right Ranboo?"

I looked down at my hands that were covered by his And shook my head

"No... I kissed him back, but- but when he woke up this morning he didn't remember anything- and - and I don't know how to feel" I slightly sobbed

"Do you prefer it?"

"What?" I responded looking up at Wayne who was looking to his side

"Do you prefer him to me!" He snapped, not in a scary way, but in a way I could tell he was hurt

"I- I can't-" he cut me off

"Could you leave... please. I- I need some... time"

"Wayne please let me-"

"GO!" He shouted and I began walking out of the door, tears beginning to fall from my eyes

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