When a good man drinks

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Tubbo POV:

As Ranboo got on the bus I just stared at him, I kept getting incoming calls but I knew it was school asking me where I was.

Ranboo getting the bus to and from school always confused me since he has a car but maybe he just didn't want to risk the car being damaged.

The bus did however take much longer to get to his house than a car would. We strolled into his house and Ranboo didn't speak a word

"If uh- if you need alcohol I know a store that will serve me" I smiled hoping to get something out of him

"No need" Ranboo mumbled and walked into a room

I presumed the room was his parents because in all my time coming and going from ranboos house usually hungover I'd never seen him go into that room

He took around a minute or so but eventually came out with two bottles of whiskey

"You got me one aswell... how kind of you" I laughed

"Oh...you wanted one" Ranboo said. At first I thought he was joking but then he walked back into the room to get get another bottle

He handed the bottle to me and we made our way to his room

"Why is your bed so comfy?" I asked attempting to strike up a conversation but he just shrugged

He reached into his drawer and pulled out two cups handing one over to me

He opened one of his bottles and poured some into the cup, he leaned in to smell the drink first and cringed at the scent.

He took a large gulp before taking a sip.

He almost immediately spat it out and coughed like he had been choked

I let out a little giggle and took his cup

"How about I mix it with something for ya" I winked

Ranboo looked to one side and seemed to weigh up his options then grumbled "yes please"

His response upset me if I'm honest. He seemed off with me.

Whilst I went to his kitchen I looked at all the options, ranging from orange to lemonade.

I stuck with orange and walked back to Ranboo pouring out some excess alcohol and filled it back up with the orange.

"Thanks" he whispered as he took another sip, seeming to e able to take it much better

"Ranboo?" I asked

I gave him a minute to finish his drink before responding


"Why are you... off with me?"

Ranboo sighed and had another sip "I'm not off with YOU Tubbo- it's just, whenever I look at you I just think of Jason... it's twice in a few days he's punched me" Ranboo returned

"Boo... if I can forget about him then you definitely can you just need a bit of help" I smiled

Ranboo took a moment and then laughed a little "that's what the drinks for"

It caused me to laugh aswell and we shared a nice moment just giggling with one another


I can't remember how many drinks we had... but we've definitely had more than recommended

Half way into the drinking session we did some DIY and I made Ranboo some cat ears. And I'd never seen him redder when I started calling him 'meow meow'

He doesn't seem to like it but he hasn't complained

"Ok ok you're turn" I laughed... we also started playing two truths and one lie

"Ok right- give me a *hiccup* give me a minute... GOT IT! I've attempted to stream before on twitch... I have a crush on someone you know and Tommy isn't 6'3" he laughed

I thought about it for a moment before smiling "you can't keep a secret to save your life so you can't have a crush on someone I know!" I shouted confidently

"Nope... drink bee boy" he smiled

My jaw dropped and I reluctantly took a drink

"Who!" I screamed

"We're not playing truth or dare" Ranboo smiled

"I don't care... I deserve to know. You said i know them so that leaves" I trailed off leaving Ranboo enough time to intervene

"Everyone... you know everyone Tubbo"

"Shut up" I smiled making him giggle

"Is she cute?" I asked... I wanted to know everything about whoever Ranboo had a crush on... I didn't know why

"He" Ranboo corrected

My jaw once again dropped again

"How- wha- why didn't I know this!" I asked

"You never asked"

A strike of realisation hit me "it's not tommy is it!"

Ranboo physically spat out his drink "oh no! God no Tommy's my best friend. Basically my brother" Ranboo rejected

"Is it that guy you work with?" I questioned

"Sam? No he's cool but no I don't know him that well"

"Then who! How well do I know them?" I demanded

"I'd say very well" he smiled

I was about to ask more question trying my hardest to get to the bottom of this but then there was a knock at the door

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