Cafe career

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Ranboo POV:

The bus was late so now I'm late for my shift.

As I ran as fast as I could to the cafe, earning some strange looks form people of the public I noticed that it was beginning to rain


Luckily enough I made it though, just on time.

I went to the back and put my work clothes on and then started taking orders as Sam the other cashier began to leave.

"Can I take your order?" I asked


My shift felt like it was dragging, I looked at the clock and saw that I still had another 2 hours.

I tried my hardest not to let out a groan because I had to stay professional, this was around the time Tommy would come in and annoy and pester me.

I always appreciated that from him, he was a good friend.

This time however instead of Tommy walking through the door, it was Tubbo and my day immediately brightened.

He was wearing a bright yellow raincoat and had an umbrella covered with bees.

His hair was still ever so wet and a small amount of rain was dripping off of his nose

"Hey boo!" Tubbo greeted

"Hey Tubbo. What can I get ya?"

"Umm a green tea again and the answers to this weeks mock exam" Tubbo sent a cheeky grin my way

"You know I can't do half of that"

"Then I guess I won't have the green tea" Tubbo laughed and my face heated up

"Are you ok boo? You've gone all red" Tubbo's smile turned into a look of concern

"Oh- ye- yeah I'm fine, maybe it's just a cold coming on" I stuttered trying to come up with a lie as quick as possible

"Yeah it is a bit shit out there" Tubbo agreed and we heard a "LANGUAGE" from one of the other booths on the cafe

I quickly apologised even though I don't say it and tubbo and I shared a slight giggle.

I turned around and quickly made a green tea for Tubbo

"Here ya go... and I'll give you a hint, I heard the teachers talking about the paper and it's to do with the Tudors"

"Thanks boo you're the best" Tubbo smiled getting out some books from school

I continued to take orders from other people, occasionally helping Tubbo out when I had a moments break

Then Tubbo's phone went off "shit" he mumbled below his breath

"Everything ok?" I asked

"Yeah it's just- Jason cancelled on me again" Tubbo sighed

"Cancelled what?"

"He was going to take me to the movies, but apparently he's got a game on Saturday so he can't come" Tubbo answered

"Well that sucks... why don't you surprise him and go to his game?" I suggested.

I don't know why I was trying to help. If it was up to me I'd tell him to end it with Jason, but I can't tell him to do that.
It would crush him, and he'd hate me.

"I would do... but Jason doesn't want me to watch him play, apparently it's a bad luck charm so he doesn't tell me where the games are" Tubbo said, hips lips curving down into a frown.

Seeing him sad hurt me, I could feel my heart read.

"Do you have any other plans on Saturday?" I asked

"No. That was it, and I was really looking forward to watching that movie"

"Why don't you come to the cafe whilst I'm on shift then me you and Tommy can go after?" I suggested

Tubbo seemed to perk up a bit and bounced ever so slightly in his seat

"Really?" Tubbo asked

I simply nodded and hummed

"But Jason said he wanted to watch it with me" Tubbo sighed once again

"It was just a suggestion... you don't have to" I returned

"I'll think about it" Tubbo smiled

And that's a I could ask for, to see his smile even though I knew he was still sad about the whole Jason situation.

But I'll always try and make Tubbo happy.

Even if it hurts me

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