Not me

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Tubbo POV:

I looked at Ranboo and tilted my head almost asking who it was

Ranboo simply shrugged.

I took it upon myself to be sociable and walked to the door, admittedly a bit unbalanced.

The door was knocked again and it slightly frightened me.

Eventually I unlocked the door and opened it slightly.

I let out a long sigh which I didn't know I was holding in when I saw it was tommy

"Oh... you're here?" Tommy said

"Yeah- why?" I asked

"Oh well you kinda disappeared from history and I went to look for you, I came here to ask Ranboo for help since he also wasn't in history but I knew why"

"Well yeah he's here with me" I smiled

"Well it would be a bit strange if you were in his house without him- wait" tommy stopped himself and smelt around, visibly cringe at something

"Ha- have you been drinking?" He asked

I nodded almost vigorously making myself a little more dizzy then I already was

"So is Ranboo!" I exclaimed then I pulled Tommy inside and closed the door "did you know Ranboo has a crush on someone?" I whispered hoping Ranboo wouldn't hear

"Oh really no way... who is it" tommy asked seemingly unimpressed

"Sorry to say but it's not you... and I don't know who it is" I sighed

Then Ranboo strolled up to us "HEY TOMMY" he shouted immediately hugging tommy

"Jesus man how much have you had?!" Tommy spoke pushing Ranboo off of him

"Two bottles" Ranboo replied

Tommy simply sighed and patted ranboos back leading him into the kitchen

He grabbed a glass and poured some water into it "here" he said passing it to ranboo

"Hey what about me!" I joked

"You're used to alcohol... honestly Tubbo I'm surprised you even let this happen" tommy sighed

"I'm fine!" Ranboo exclaimed almost falling over trying to nudge tommy

"Drink" he ordered

Ranboo stopped arguing and finally drank the water.

I backed away into the living room to finish my cup before Tommy had the chance to throw it away

By the time I came back into the kitchen Ranboo was silently sobbing into Tommy's shoulder

"Why doesn't he love me" he cried

"Ranboo you know he cares about you just give it some time" tommy returned patting him in the back and rubbing shapes into it

"Are you talking about your crush?!" I asked, excepted to maybe get some more information about the mystery man

"Tubbo you should go home ok... I'll tell dream to take you he's just next door" tommy intervened

"But I wanna know more about the mystery man like you never told Me if he was cute or kind or charming!" I demanded

"He's everything and more to me" Ranboo said, finally sharing I contact with me instead of Tommy's shoulder

"Can I know who he is?" I ask

"Of cour-"

"No! Tubbo you need to go... stop trying to take advantage of drunk boo and ask him when he's sober!" Tommy shouted

I was taken aback by the sudden change in tone but I huffed and looked at Ranboo who was pretty much asleep.

"Please Tubbo" tommy said softening both his voice and gaze

"Tell Ranboo I'll see him tomorrow ok?" I asked and Tommy nodded

Then I left and got a lift from dream, whilst trying to figure out anyone who it could be that stole ranboos heart

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