Memory boy

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Ranboo POV:

" you- you remember?" I asked

Tubbo continued to look at the counter, trying his hardest not to look at me

"Yeah" he whispered

Part of me felt hurt, he remembered?

Was it a recent thing or did he know all along?

"But-" I began but was cut off by Tubbo

"Can we just talk about it after your shift?" He requested and the lump in my throat stopped me from talking anyway.

"Yeah" I sighed


Tubbo was the only thing I could think of throughout the rest of the shift, what would he say? What does this all mean? And most importantly

How does he feel?

When I finally left the cafe Tubbo was waiting outside, his hands held together behind his back and he was swaying back and forth like a child.

It was cute.

"Ready to go?" He asked

"Go where?" I asked

"I figured we could go to my place... it's closer and I can sleep quicker" he smiled

I nodded and followed him

When we finally got to his house, when he walked through the door we were greeted by his mother

"Hello toby dear" she said

"Mum it's Tubbo!" He growled

"Oh whatever" his mother returned

I know that Tubbo hates being called toby, I never really understood why but I was afraid to ask in all honesty

But when we got to Tubbo's room, it showed me who he was, he had posters of all the generic boy bands and even his bed sheets were of childish cartoons

I couldn't help but laugh slightly causing Tubbo to look at me

"What?" He questioned

"Are you a teenage girl or something?" I snickered

"Oh shut up your room probably sucks" he returned

"You've slept in my room... several times" I laughed

"Yeah well- you- shut up!" He screamed and it caused me to laugh so much that I fell onto his bed

Then In the moment of silence that followed I remembered why we came here

I let out a sigh and looked at Tubbo who seemed to realise aswell

"So" I began

"So" Tubbo repeated

"When- when did you remember?" I asked

Tubbo took a couple of seconds to answer, during that time he sat next to me

"I- I never forgot" Tubbo sighed

My eyes widened and my hands clenched around my thighs

I tried not to show any sighs but it was too late

"That's why I'm sorry... I ruined you, I ruined your relationship. your GOOD relationship... all because I was stupid and jealous and-"

"Tubbo it's fine" I returned, cutting him off

"It's not"

"No Tubbo it is!.. I kinda new Wayne and I would never work. Sure he was good to me, and cared about me but I could never love him... not the way I do you"

There was another moment of silence

"Did you mean it?" I asked

Tubbo looked at me, confused

"In the car when you said you loved me... did you mean it?" I repeated

Tubbo grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him

"I meant everything I did that night"

I smiled and leaned towards him capturing his lips on a kiss

It was magical and the fireworks that set off within my stomach agreed.

I couldn't possibly have been happier than in that moment

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