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Ranboo pov:

The second I finished eating we rushed to the police station.

When we walked into the station we saw the jail cell to our left, inside there was Wayne who looked torn and broken, and his face was badly bruised

I ran to the cage shouting Wayne's name, when he looked up and saw me his expression lightened up and he reached his hand out of the cage to hold mine

We shared a moment of simply staring and silence

"What are you doing here?" Wayne said grasping my hand a bit tighter not wanting to let go

"We've got some evidence... that can help you out... it's to do with a party where you beat up Jason" I smiled

Wayne suddenly backed away and moved from the bars "no! You can't that'll just make me look worse... I'm violent and reckless!" Wayne panicked

"No Wayne... do you remember what happened that night?" I asked

"Of course I do I beat up Jason because I was drunk" Wayne returned

"No that's what Jason told you" I sighed

"That's what happens!" Wayne persisted

"This!" I shouted and grabbed Tommy forcing him to take out his phone and show Wayne the video

As he watched his eyes turned from scared to confused and then finally pain

"Are you ok?" I asked

Wayne didn't respond, he simply backed away from the bars and sat on the chair in the cell

He put his head in his hands

"Wayne?" I asked, my voice slowly getting quieter

Wayne once again didn't respond but instead he started sobbing, tears began falling in between the gaps in his fingers

"Wayne what's wrong!" I shouted not caring if anyone else on the station heard

Suddenly Wayne stopped and looked up at me, his eyes were already red and puffy

"All these years... I've been in fear of Jason for leaking that video of me... and after all this time I DIDNT DO ANYTHING FUCKING WRONG!" He screamed

This definitely got the attention of the officers in the station as they rushed to detain him but as they entered the cell he got on his knees and cried once more

Once the officers surrounded Wayne they told us that we had to leave but we gave them a copy of the video before we did

Once we left the station Tubbo was bumped into and forced in the floor

I instinctively turned to see who did it and saw Jason

"Oh my apologies you're just so short I didn't see you" he laughed

"HEY!" I retaliated but quickly got stopped by Jason punching me, I felt a click on my jaw as something must've been put out of place

"What the fuck!" Tommy rushed towards Jason trying to slam him to the ground only to be immediately stopped

"You think you could take me on" Jason smiled

However his smile quickly faded when he looked past us


We turned to look towards the sound of the voice and saw dream, with his boyfriend George

"Oh fuck of dream... I've got shit on you that I wouldn't mind showing everyone" Jason snarled

"You've got a sex tape with my old boyfriend I'd hardly call that shit" dream retorted

"I on the other hand have so many videos and photos of you doing some dodgy shit so if you hurt my brother or any of his weird friends i will put you six feet under" dream added

Jason looked at us and seemingly weighed up his options before growling and walking away

Hi it's I the author :)

Sorry I've been away for a while I've just been swamped with work and school stuff, I'm trying to get back into the rhythm of writing so just hate with me plz x

Also the stories almost ended and I'm tempted to write an original but I don't know yet

Anyway until next time :D

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