Party pick up

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Ranboo POV:

I was awoken by an irritating buzzing noise.

It wouldn't be so bad but I had only just gotten to sleep, I couldn't have been passed out for more than 3 maybe 4 hours.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 1:30 in the morning, and I was getting a call from Tubbo

I quickly answered it and was immediately greeted with the booming sound of obnoxious and over the top music

"Heyyy Ranboo!

I may or may not have had a lil too much to drink, could you maybe help me out... I'm sorry" Tubbo shouted at first but then mumbled the last part.

After the movies earlier we went and got ice cream like I suggested, about an hour after that Tubbo got a text from Jason saying he was going to a party and tubbo had to go with him.

I didn't complain of course, after all who was I too intervene in his relationship m.

Although Tubbo's eyes lit up when he knew Jason wasn't mad at him. Which made me smile I guess.

But I slowly got out of bed and put some jeans and a shirt on, I left my house to get in my car but before I could I was greeted with Tommy

"Did what are you doi-" he stopped himself to think "Tubbo called didn't he?"

I nodded my head

Tommy sighed and face palmed

"Ranboo you can't keep doing this! I know you love him trust me I do you make it painfully obvious. But this is killing you. It's not healthy" Tommy complained

"You know I can't stop" I returned

"I know... but I don't want you to end up beating yourself up everytime Tubbo takes a fall" Tommy sighed finally leaving to let me get into my car.


I finally got to where the party was being held and parked outside, I knew Tubbo probably wouldn't find me so I decided to go in and get to him first.

It took me a while but eventually I found him,
Making out with Jason and swaying to some punk rock music.

It made me feel slightly sick, seeing how Jason was being so rough in the kiss. But Tubbo didn't seem to complain.

The kiss didn't last much longer and when it was over Jason simply walked off to another group of people leaving Tubbo standing in the middle of the room alone.

I walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder

He turned around and raised his arms in the air "RANBOO! Hi" Tubbo slurred

"Hey buddy, you ready to go?" I offered

"No... dance with me" Tubbo smiled

And I couldn't refuse, I danced ever so slightly just swaying my body and tapping my foot, which was nothing compared to Tubbo's over the top movements.

The song finally came to an end and tubbo finally wanted to leave so I grabbed his hand in order to help him through the crowds of people, forcing myself to squeeze through a couple groups.

I was almost at the exit but that was when Jason showed up

"Why are you holding his hand?" Jason shouted, I could smell the alcohol on his mouth, more so than anyone else

"Tubbo wanted to leave so I'm here to drive him home" I responded

"No! I decide when he leaves. He's MY boyfriend" Jason shouted again.

I didn't want to get involved so I tried to pass him but that was a mistake.

Jason swung a fist in my general direction and it came into contact with my jaw, knocking me down to the ground, I coughed but that just hurt my mouth even more.

I got kicked whilst I was down aswell but Tubbo intervened begging Jason to stop, but he continued.

It wasn't until wilbur m, the party host, showed up and put a stop to it

"HEY JASON! No more drinks for you, and you two should go" he said referring to me and tubbo

I couldn't have been happier to get out of that hell hole, so I got up, my stomach and head killing me.

But I limped to the car, Tubbo trying his best to help me up.

I opened the door for Tubbo letting him in before I walked over to my side.

When I finally sat down I released a grown and finally said

"I hate him. He's not good for you"

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