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Ranboo POV:

I turned around and saw Tubbo.

His eyes were watering and it immediately made my heart drop

"Tubbo? Are you ok?" I asked as he sat down

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine" Tubbo said

I could tell he was lying

"Tubbo..." I tripped of placing a hand on his shoulder

"You can talk to me" I continued

"I don't want to tell you because it means your right" Tubbo cried collapsing into his arms, trying his best not to make the book beneath him wet

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You should know... you were there" Tubbo returned

"I- I don't know what you mean Tubbo" I repeated

I'm that moment Tubbo took out his phone and showed me the clip of me in the cafe with Jason

"You were right ok!" Tubbo shouted which gained the attention of others in the library

He returned to a whisper and lifted his head to look at me, his eyes were a burning red and it felt horrible to look at

"Jason is a cheat! And he is horrible and he isn't right for me ok? Is that what you want to hear" Tubbo said

"Tubbo I don't want to be right... I just want you to be happy" I replied placing a hand on his shoulder

"I was happy with him Ranboo!" Tubbo whisper shouted

"I- I'm"

"I know... you're sorry. Can I just have a moment to be left alone? I'll talk to you tomorrow in history I promise" Tubbo requested

I nodded and head outside of the library.

I began walking to the bus stop once again.

When I got there I finally walked onto the bus and made my way home


I would usually go straight to my house and go to sleep or finish of some homework but instead I had other things to attend to

I rushed to Tommy's house, banging on the door

Eventually the door opened and luckily it was tommy himself

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!" I shouted at him

"Listen Tubbo deserved to know it wasn't fair" he answered

"But now he's heart broken tommy!"

"And whether you like it or not he's better of!"

"You're supposed to be my best friend, who I can talk to and you'll do what I say and vice versa" I exclaimed

"And that goes both ways Ranboo. Yes I'm you're friend. You're best friend. And I'm doing what's best, getting Tubbo out of a toxic relationship so you can have a shot. You deserve to be happy Ranboo and you can't do that when Tubbo isn't with you" tommy sighed

I didnt have a counter argument so I just walked off, hearing the door slam behind me.

When I got back to my house I rushed to my pillow and cried into it

Until I got a text

Unknown number:
You're a dead man

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