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Ranboo POV:

Tubbo had fallen asleep in my arms

All of us made a silent agreement to not talk about anything until we reached a safe place, that safe place being my house

We all strolled in, taking refuge in my room as I laid Tubbo down and slowly closed the door in order to let him sleep

"I knew Jason was fucked up but I didn't know he was bat shit insane" tommy whisper shouted

"I know like seriously what's his problem!" Wilbur joined in

"Guys guys! Can we not...
I'm worried about Wayne... he hasn't text me since the fight, I haven't heard from him" I sighed

Tommy walked next to me, placing his hand on my back, stroking it softly in an attempt to soothe me

"Hey Ranboo... he looked like he could take Jason. He's a big man after all, you've got nothing to worry about" he smiled

I looked up at him and shared a small smile with him

"You guys want a drink?" I offered standing up to go to the kitchen

"Alcoholic or no?" Wilbur asked

"Your choice... I'm gonna stick to coffee" I returned

"Then I guess I'll have a coffee with a dash of whiskey" he chuckled

I poured him the drink and he let out a long sigh of relief as the liquid his the back of his throat

"Do you think Wayne is ok wilbur?" I asked

Wilbur put his drink down and faced me

"Listen Ranboo. I've known both of them for a couple years admittedly not as well as I maybe should have... but I know that Wayne can be a bit of a brawler, so he can fight. So I think he's gonna be fine"

When Wilbur spoke it sounded honest, no from the heart.

It put my mind at ease so much so that I felt tired, all the exhaustion from today was coming back to me

"I'm gonna hit the hay, feel free to stay as long as you need" I yawned

"Goodnight Ranboo" tommy waved

"See ya man" Wilbur added

I slowly walked back into my room seeing Tubbo sleeping peacefully under the covers, I slowly got under with him, tucking myself in.

Almost immediately I felt an arm being wrapped around me and tightening as the head of tubbo moved to lay on my chest

"Are you awake Tubbo?" I whispered

I felt Tubbo nod on my chest and humming slightly

"Will you sleep with me?" Tubbo whispered

"What do you think I'm doing bee?" I lowly chuckled

"Good... today's been horrible" Tubbo groaned

"Yeah but at least it's ending with you in my arms" I smiled tightening my hold on him

"Cheesy" Tubbo laughed and buried his head further into my chest in an attempt to hide his blush

"I love you boo" he mumbled

"I love you too" I smiled finally closing my eyes to sleep

Until I felt the buzz of my phone on the night stand

I looked at the caller ID not knowing who it was however I picked up

"Hello...who is this" I asked 

"Hey it's Wayne... I thought if I only get one phone call I may aswell make it to my favourite person"

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