Car troubles

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Ranboo POV:

"What?" Tubbo asked clearly confused

He had sobered up since I had gotten punched but he was still tipsy at the very least

"I don't like your new boyfriend, he's an asshole" I swore, me swearing was a rarity but I felt this situation deserved it

"He's not new, we've been dating for like 4 months now" Tubbo corrected

"It doesn't matter I hate him" I continued

"Wha- why?" Tubbo asked

I started driving, giving it some time before I answered

"Firstly he just punched and kicked me... secondly he's been nothing but rude to you, dismissive of all of your affection and he makes out with anyone he sees fit and blames it on alcohol!" I exclaimed

"He doesn't kiss people regularly!" Tubbo argues back

"That's not the point Tubbo! He doesn't love you! Has he ever said he does!" I shouted

There was a moment of silence, Tubbo just stared at his hands that rested in his lap, I knew I'd said too much, I regretted it the second I said it

"I'm sorry" I apologised

"No no.
You said your part... can you just drop me off here?" Tubbo requested

"No tubbo, we're not near my house yet" I said

"I'll go back to mine" Tubbo returned

"But what about your mum?" I asked

"I'll deal with it... I'll come up with something" Tubbo sighed

"I can't let you go home alone... you're still drunk"

"RANBOO I'M FINE!" Tubbo shouted "just let me out" he said softly, his eyes beginning to tear up

I thought about the options, he looks well enough to walk home but I don't trust the streets on the other hand... he's be even madder at me if I forced him to stay. And It would be controlling of me. 

"Fine" I said as I pulled over allowing him to  get out.

Before he closed the door I said "I'm sorry" but Tubbo just stared at me

"Sure" he replied as he closed the door and began walking home.

Once he turned a corner I slammed by head onto the wheel, causing the horn to go off, it startled me but I just let it ring.

Eventually I started driving again, finally getting home.

But before I went in I knocked on Tommy's house.

It took a few minutes but the door was finally opened

"Who are you?" Tommy's brother asked

"Hey dream... it's Ranboo I'm a friend of Tommy's I was hoping if he was awake I kinda need to talk to him" I answered, a single tear dripping down my eye

"TOMMY!" Dream shouted

"A FRIENDS HERE FOR YOU!" He continued

I waited a while but Tommy finally showed up to the door, his eyes were tired and it made me feel bad

"I'm sorry you should sleep I'll tell you tomorrow" I said, ready to walk away

"No" Tommy said grabbing my collar before I could walk away

"Your problems mean more than my sleep... tell me what's wrong buddy" he said allowing me to walk into his house.

I sat on the couch and told Tommy about the night.

He sighed and grabbed my shoulder "listen, you did the right thing... admittedly you probably could have done it in a nicer way but it was the right thing to do... Jason is an asshole, try and speak to Tubbo tomorrow, as a friend" tommy said

"But what if he hates me and doesn't want to talk to me" I exclaimed

"I doubt he hated you. And if he doesn't want to talk to you... then I will" tommy smiled pulling me into a hug

"Thank you tommy" I said holding him closer

"Don't make it weird" he said making me smile

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