Chapter 1

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Hayley just got into a huge argument with her parents who are death eaters. They want her to join Voldemort and his army when he rise's again but she doesn't want to do now she's getting her jacket and keys.

She's got surrounded by some death eaters and ran out the house. She ran into town running away from them while trying to dodge spells from them. She finally got rid of the death eaters by hiding out but they wouldn't come into town unless they we're willing to risk themselves and they did.

But she got rid of them she got of her hiding spot and started to walk when she bumped into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." Hayley apologized to the person. They turned around as she started to get dizzy.

"Hayley." That's all she heard before passing out.

Marlene caught her and picked her up so she was holding her. "We should probably take her to get checked." Mary said and they went to St.Mangos hospital. They admitted Hayley and started to run some test on why she fainted.

"For Hayley SinClair." One of the nurse called out and they got up and walked to her room. "Thought we should tell you all together." The nurse said as they walked in the room and saw Hayley sitting up rubbing her head.

"Ah your up perfect so the reason she fainted is because she's pregnant." The nurse said leaving them all shock. "Excuse me what." Hayley said first. "Theirs no way I'm pregnant haven't had sex-never mind." She said shutting herself up remembering the last time she did.

"I'll leave you guys to it." The nurse said walking out the room. Hayley got off the bed quickly but got dizzy and held onto the bed for support. Sirius had his hand on her waist holding her steady.

"Thanks but I really must get going." Hayley said putting her jacket back on. "Hayley you just found out your pregnant slow down." Mary told her. "Mary I've gotta go like now." Hayley said walking to the front desk so they can release her.

She signed some papers and walked out the hospital. "Hayley where you going." Marlene asked her. "Marlene I've gotta go thanks for bringing me but I must go now." Hayley told them. She started to walk again when she started to feel dizzy.

She placed a hand on the wall to hold herself steady. She then placed her hand over her mouth and tried not to throw up. "Hayley you ok." Sirius asked her. "I'm fine." She said as she passed out again. "Let's take her to the house where we can talk some sense into her."

Marlene said as Sirius picked her up and they went to the Black Manor where everyone is at. They walked in and laid her down on the couch waiting for her to wake up. Sirius took her wand knowing she hit him with a spell if she finds out they brought her their.

"Who'd you bring brother." Regulus asked Sirius. "Hayley SinClair." Sirius said and everyone looked at him. "Hayley the one you use to date." James asked. "That's the one." Marlene said.

"What happened she ok she's passed out on the couch." Lily asked. "She fainted after refusing to talk to us." Mary told them. "Why what happened." Molly asked. "We'll for one she's pregnant and refused to talk to us and then fainted again." Sirius told them.

"Sirius Orion Black I'm gonna murder you." They heard Hayley yell and they walked into the living room. "Give me my wand." Hayley told him and he showed her it. "Sirius give it to me." She told him. "You won't hit me." He asked her.

"Give me my wand Sirius." "For what so you can throw me across the room." He told her. "Exactly now give it to me." "Sirius don't mess with a pregnant woman." Alice told him. "You told them." Hayley told him. "We'll-That's not your business to be telling anyone I told you I was fine."

"You fainted Hayley you expect me to leave you their." "Well yeah-are you crazy." Sirius told her cutting her off. "Kinda but that's not the point give me my wand or so help me you'll be the one on the floor in five seconds." Hayley told him.

"Sirius give her wand." Frank told him. "I kinda wanna see that happen." Marlene said and Sirius glared at her. He passed her, her wand and backed up immediately. "Now can we talk like civilized people." "You civilized yeah right I'm leaving."

"Where back to your death eater parents." Sirius said making her stop walking. "Your one to talk yours were death eaters as well but no I was disowned Sirius I'm going to my friends house to talk to him." She told him and he felt guilty for saying that.

"Hayley is the baby mine." Sirius asked. "What god No it's not yours Sirius." Hayley said laughing a little. "Is it your friends the one your going to see." He asked with a hint of jealousy in his tone. "What ewe god No and who's the baby's father is non of your concern now leave me the hell alone."

She said before leaving. She arrived at her friends house and sat on the couch. "I'm pregnant." She told him and he stared at her. "Yes Ted I know it wasn't suppose to happen it was a drunken mistake this child ain't suppose to be here right now."

She told him. "Have you told the father." "He knows but doesn't know it's his child Sirius thought the child was his." "Oh god what did my cousin do." Andromeda told her. "He thought the child I'm carrying is his but it's really his best friends."

Hayley told them and they stared at her in shock. "Which one." Ted asked her. "James Potter-Hayley!" Andromeda shouted a little trying not to wake her daughter. "I'm sorry ok it was an accident I didn't mean for me to get pregnant with his child."

Hayley told her. "Are you gonna tell him." Ted asked her. "No I'm not and Ted and Andy you guys can't either." Hayley told them. "Hayley." Ted said looking behind her. "Think he already knows." Andromeda said and Hayley looked behind herself and saw them all.

Sirius gave her an awkward wave. "Are you fucking serious you followed me." Hayley said getting up. "Of course I was gonna follow you Hayley I had to make sure you we're ok." Sirius said to her.

"Andy Ted I'll be on my way out thanks for having me now I must head home." Hayley said giving them a hug. She grabbed her jacket and walked out with them following behind her. "Hayley can we talk." Sirius told her. "No now leave me alone."

Hayley told him as she kept walking. Sirius ran infront of her and stopped her. "We are gonna speak about this now Hayley." Sirius told her gripping both her arms so she can't walk off. "No theirs nothing to talk about."

"Oh so your not pregnant with my best friends baby." He told her and she stayed quiet. "My point now we're gonna talk about it." Sirius told her. "Sirius theirs nothing to talk about it I'm pregnant that's it besides I'm moving away." She told him and he stared at her.

"Your moving." He asked her. "Yes theirs nothing holding me back here so yes I'm moving." "What about Andy and Ted and Nyphadora." Sirius asked her. "They'll visit besides what does it matter to you."

She told him. "I moved on you moved on so it shouldn't matter." "It should matter your having James baby Hayley my best friends baby." "What you think I did this on purpose you think I wanted to be pregnant no I didn't Sirius.

You act like I want this but I'm not gonna give it up or abort because I'm not like that and I'm not gonna ruin someone's relationship because of the baby because you know what Sirius I'm leaving and never coming back here." She told him and he stayed quiet. "You have to stay Hayley." He told her.

"No no I don't and you can't force me." She told him. "He can't but I can." James said speaking up. "What you gonna do James lock me up till I have the baby." "Well if you keep acting like that we might just have." Sirius told her. "No but as soon as the baby is born I'll take full custody." James told her making her go quiet.

"You can't take a baby from its mother it's like saying James you can't see your parents anymore it hurts you. You can't do that." "I can and will if you move away." James told her. When she wasn't paying attention Marlene did a spell at her making her fell asleep and fall but Sirius caught her.

"What the-Sleeping spell just to get her to the house." Marlene said as they went back to the house. Sirius placed her in one of the rooms and went back downstairs. "Two kids what a surprise." Frank said and they all stared at him. "So what now we force her to stay here." Mary said to them.

"If it's the only way she'll stay then I guess we are." James told them not looking at them.

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