Chapter 49

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Katherine woke up with a mild hangover. She sat up and looked around seeing as she was in her room at the Malfoy Manor. She got out of bed and brushed her teeth and walked downstairs.

"Cissy my head hurts." She said walking into the living room. "Kat." She opened her eyes and saw James and Sirius and Remus their. "Uncle Remy your here." She said with a smile. "And so are you." He told her. "Yeah me and the boys spent the night here but I'm going back home later my dad wants me home." She told him with a small smile.

"It's a full moon." He told her. "I know." "We can help you." James told her. "I'm good my dad is helping me." She told them. "Kat I'm your dad in literary your guardian-So what you trying to say he was never their for me and he ain't." She told him making him groan.

"That's not what I'm saying-ugh never mind." He told her as she rolled her eyes. "Cissy where the boys at." She asked her. "In Draco's room." She told her before she ran upstairs and into Draco's room jumping on the bed on top of the boys making them all groan.

"How does one tiny person have this much energy this early." Blaise said as she smacked him with a pillow. "Rude and come on get up and get dressed." She told them. "Whyy." Enzo whined. "Because I only have a few hours before I have to go home." She told them sitting up.

"Your not even dressed." Enzo told her. "Let me go get dressed but when I'm done you five better be." She told them getting off the bed and walking to her room. She walked in the room and threw her hair up and threw some sweats on.

She walked out and went downstairs with her bag. "Cissy we're leaving." She shouted as she walked out from the living room. "Thanks for letting us stay and for not telling my dad." She told her giving her a hug. "It's no problem dear and do take care of yourself hope to see you more often." She told her as she nodded her head.

"Yes and will do have a nice day Cissy." Katherine told her giving her one last hug. Narcissa gave her a kiss on the head before she left doing the same to the boys as well. "You kids be careful." "Will do mum." Draco said pushing them out the door.

They got in the car and drove around for a bit just listening to music and talking about last night. "Kat do you remember anything from last night." Blaise asked her. "Um I remember I met these two girls Harper and Lex I think those were their names." She told them as they nodded their heads.

"Why." She asked turning around to look at them. "Well pretty much you got drunk and started to make out with them." He told her as her cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. "No worries tho." Blaise told her as she turned around and covered her face.

"Aw look-finish that sentence and so help me god I'll hex you into oblivion." Theo said keeping his eyes on the road. "What's got your wand in a knot." Katherine mumbled but he still heard it. He turned and looked at her for a second before looking back at the road.

"Pull over right their." She said pointing to a store. So he pulled over and they looked at her. "Can you pretty please go buy some chocolate please." She said giving them puppy eyes. "Put those demons away." Blaise yelled covering his eyes as she kept staring at them.

They all groaned and gave in. Theo decided to stay in the car with her and so she took it as the chance to speak to him. "Theo you ok." She asked him. "Yeah I'm fine." "Theo I know when your lying and your clearly not ok." She told him.

"What's the matter Theo and don't say nothing because it's not nothing." She told him and he looked at her. "I just don't want you getting hurt those girls could've done anything to you and I can't live with myself if you get hurt once more." He told and she pulled him into a hug.

"It's ok Theo besides look I'm ok and perfectly fine so don't worry about it." She told him seating back in the seat. "Your my best friend Kat I'm gonna be worried about you." He told her. She felt hurt hearing she was just his best friend but she don't know why.

"Fine how about we promise to always to look after each other even when we're old and wrinkly." She told him with a smile making him laugh. "Promise?" He said placing his pinky out as she attached hers with his.

"Promise." She repeated after him and saw the others coming back. "How much you wanna bet they didn't get your favorite chocolate." Theo told her. "I don't have a favo-Milk Chocolate because it's not nasty or to sugary."

He told her cutting her off. "Ok maybe I do." She told him as they opened the door. "Here El got you caramel chocolate." He told her and Theo gave her a look. "Thank you." She said grabbing it as Theo tried not to laugh.


It was now time for Katherine to head home. They stood in front of house as Katherine stared at it. "I'm not sure what's gonna happen or how but I love you guys." She told them as they stared at her. "Your not dying Kat but we also love you too." Theo told her.

"Bye." She said walking into the house. They we're going to do something so they weren't gonna go in. She closed the door and placed her bag on the floor. "Dad." She called out not hearing him call for her.

She looked around for any family members but didn't see any as well. "Dad." She yelled picking her bag back up and started to look around. It was to quiet for her and she was starting to get nervous.

"Daddy-Emilio walked out hearing her call for Ace. He tapped her shoulder scaring her causing her to scream and run off. He looked around to see what she screamed for. "What the hell is going on." Ace said walking back inside he was on the phone.

"Where's Kat." He asked him. "She ran off I was gonna tell her you were on the phone and she ran off." Emilio said. "We'll did you scare." Alexander asked him. "Um no I heard her calling for Ace so I was gonna tell her he's on the phone so I tapped her shoulder and she screamed and ran off." He said oblivious.

"Right Leo I'm gonna have to call you back tomorrow." He said talking onto the phone. "Because I do now call tomorrow." He said hanging up and put the phone in his pocket.

"I'm going to look for my daughter now Milo go to a room." Ace told him walking off hearing him groan.

Ace looked around the house for Katherine but didn't see her anywhere so the only place he has to look now is in his room or her room. He walked in her room and didn't see her anywhere so went to his room. "Kat you in here." He called out and she ran into his arms.

"It's ok." He told her hugging her tight. "Dad theirs someone in the house." "No darling their ain't no one it was just Emilio he was the one who tapped your shoulder he doesn't even know he scared you listen it was an accident." He told her as she calmed down hearing that.

"Oh ok then." She told him. "How you feeling." He asked her. "We'll my body hurts along with my head." She told him as he felt her forehead. "Your coming down with a fever probably from the full moon." He told her. "Just rest for now princess I'll tell you when it's time to go." He told her as she walked over to the bed and laid down.

"Night dad." She said closing her eyes falling asleep. "Night princess." He said kissing her head and pull the blanket over her. He was walking out to let her get some sleep but she stopped him. "Stay with me please." She asked him. "Of course." He told her taking his shoes off and blazer off as well before laying down next to her.

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