Chapter 2

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Hayley woke up in a room and sighed knowing they took her unwillingly. She got out of the bed and put her jacket on because she was cold. She didn't want to go down and see them but she didn't want to be in the room either so she went downstairs to the front door to exit but she couldn't.

"Stupid binderies spells." Hayley muttered to herself. "You can't leave unless it's one of us with you." Sirius told her making her groan. "Sirius let me go." Hayley told him. "No can do Hayley your stuck here for nine months." Sirius told her. "Can I at least go in the backyard." She asked him.

"Yes you can." He told her and she walked out back see if she can pass through and she can so she can leave. She wasn't gonna have this baby of it meant she was gonna be locked up for nine months. She went to this witch shop where it'll help you get rid of the baby without an actual abortion.

It was probably 7 at night by now. She sat down on a bench and stared at the pill in her hand. "What a pretty lady like you out here all alone." A guy said touching her face and she slapped his hand away. She got up quickly but he grabbed her arm stopping her.

"Now I'll stay if I was you." He said pointing his wand at her. Someone shot a spell at him causing him to fall straight to the floor. "That's no way to treat a pregnant lady." Marlene told the guy walking over to Hayley. "Come on back to the house." And they both went back to the house and saw an angry James standing by the door inside.

"What the hell we're you thinking going into the Damm digion alley alone." James yelled at her and she rolled her eyes. "I was putting your devil spawn to sleep so I can have my life away from you guys." Hayley told him and James pushed her against the wall not hurting her but just kept her against the wall but pushed her roughly.

"Keep your hands off her she's pregnant for god sakes." Marlene said pushing him away. "You think I want to stay here for nine months so what you can take the baby away from me." Hayley said placing a hand over her stomach. "I don't want this baby near you James why do you think I didn't tell you because I want the baby to grow up with privacy and a nice life instead of covered in the paparazzi and their face all over newspaper.

You know what they'll label the baby as a affair baby they'll say you cheated and the baby will be known as a affair baby I don't want that." She told him. "We'll you don't have a bloody choice because it's not just your child." James told her. "No but it's my body so you don't have a say what I do with my body or with the baby."

She told him walking to the room she was in earlier. "James you need to calm down her emotions are everywhere she's hormonal right now so she's going to lash out a lot depending on her mood." Alice told him. "She tried to kill the baby." James said.

"You locked her in a house James." Remus said butting in. "Maybe talk to her she's probably stressed out." Dorcas told him and he sighed. "I'll try that-Just don't yell that's all." Sirius said cutting him off. He walked up to her room and saw her pacing around the room.

"Leave me alone James." Hayley told him. "Can we talk." James asked her. "Talk about what theirs nothing to talk about I'm only having your child simple as that." She told him. "Hayley it won't have to be just like that we can be friends we can raise the baby together."

James told her sitting on the bed. "So we can be one big happy family is that what you think is gonna happen." Hayley asked him. "We'll yeah-James we won't ever be one big happy family I'm simply your best friends ex who happens to be pregnant with your child that's all it'll ever be."

She told him. "It won't have to be like that Hayley we can raise the baby together with both parents present." He told her and she stayed quiet. She stopped pacing but didn't look at him. She placed her hand on her stomach. "What about your kid James it's not as easy as it seems."

Hayley told him. "I'll figure something out but Hayley give me a chance I want to be in the baby's life I do." He told he getting up and stood in-front of her. "Fine." She told him looking at him. He sighed in relief hearing that. "C-Can I um-touch my stomach." Hayley said finishing the sentence for him.

"Yeah that." He said rubbing the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah go ahead." She said and moved her hand away and he placed his hand on her stomach. "Can't really feel anything but in a couple of months you'll be able to." She told him.

"That's fine I'm sure time will fly by fast." He told her taking his hands off her stomach. "I'm gonna go to sleep now." She told him and he nodded his head and walked out the room letting her go to sleep.

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