Chapter 23

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It's been a few days since everything that has happened at the store with Katherine and James. "Darling Christmas is in four days and you've been sitting in your room all day." Hayley said fixing her hair.

"What's the matter Luv." "Nothing just bored that's all." Katherine told her. "We'll come downstairs and help us decorate the Christmas tree." Hayley told her. "Ok." She said getting off her bed and walked downstairs with Hayley behind her.

"Ah theirs the princess we've been waiting for you." Ace said with a Christmas hat on his head. He walked over to her and placed one on hers as well. "Thanks dad so what are we doing." She said to him. "We'll we are decorating the tree but we've been waiting for you to come down so you can put the star on the tree."

Ace said handing her the star. "So you putting it on." Ace said. "Yes I am now help me up their." She said with a smile. He lifted her up while Hayley took a picture and recorded them. "Little closer dad come on." Katherine told him making Hayley laugh.

"Ok boss." He said lifting her higher. She placed it on the tree. "Their." She said and placed her down. "Good job." He said giving her a high five her. "Right time to decorate this tree." She grabbing the stuff from the box and placing it on the tree. Ace started to help her and Hayley watched the two smiling to herself knowing she's happy.


It's now the Christmas ball that Katherine wasn't informed of and is mad she wasn't. "Luv put your dress on we're gonna be late." Hayley told her. "Why do I have to go." She whined not wanting to go.

"One I said so and two your not old enough to stay home alone now get your dress on and get your butt down here in five minutes." "I'm not putting it on." Hayley heard as she walked back downstairs and saw Ace waiting. "Still throwing a fit." He said. "Yes she is." Hayley told him.

"I'll handle her." He said kissing her cheek before walking upstairs. He knocked on her door. "I'm not putting it on." She said. "Young lady you have five minutes to put that dress on and get your butt downstairs or your grounded." He told her before walking back downstairs.

"What she say." "Give her a few minutes." Ace told her and she stared at him. "Your a life saver my Luv." She said giving him a kiss. Katherine walked downstairs stomping down the stairs still mad. Hayley had already did her hair it was just her putting the dress on.

"See you look beautiful." Hayley told her. "I look like a green bean." She said. Ace had gotten her a emerald green dress long he didn't want it short. "You look beautiful now let's go." Ace said as the three of them left the house and to the ball.

They didn't know who was hosting it but still got invited didn't want to be rude and not show up so they went.

They walked in and saw a whole bunch of people walking and talking. "Can we go home now." Katherine asked. "No now behave." Hayley told her. They started to walk around when they bumped into someone. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." Katherine said as the person turned around.

She stared at the person not expecting to see that person for a while. "Kat your here." James said. "Yeah I am." She said not making eye contact. "You look beautiful." James told her. "Thank you." She told him fixing her dress. "Did you come alone-no no I'm with my mom and um-Kat their you are your mother is looking for you."

Ace said cutting her off and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Got it Ac-dad." She said walking off and James stared at her. "She call him dad." Sirius asked James. "Yeah she did." James said looking down.

Katherine shortly found Hayley talking to her aunt. "Mom dad said you wanted me." She said placing her hand on her shoulder. "Luv these are your aunts Mary Dorcas and Alice." Hayley said to her and Katherine stared at them.

"Your Neville's mom." She said pointing to Alice. "Yes I am." Alice said smiling to her. "He talks about you when we hang out it's nice meeting you." Katherine said as her smile faded a little but quickly came back. "You too." Alice said to her.

"Mom can we go now." Katherine asked. "Already trying to leave." Marlene asked her. "Ace had to get her to come down she didn't even want to come." Hayley told them as they all laughed a little. "Mom." She whispered to her. "What Kat what's wrong." Hayley said looking at her whispering back.

"Sweetie Neville is with the kids if you want to go hang out with him for a little bit." Alice told her. She just nodded her head. "Can we go home." She pleaded to her. Hayley sighed. "Ask your dad." She whispered to her as she kissed her cheek before walking off.

She looked around for Ace and saw him outside on the phone. "Dad." She said getting his attention and somebody else's. She walked outside to him and James Remus Frank and Sirius followed behind her. "Talk later." Ace said hanging up the phone and putting it in his pocket.

"What's up darling." He said turning towards her. "Dad can we leave." She told him. "Why what's wrong." He asked her walking closer to her. "You not feeling well." He said placing his hand on her forehead. "No I feel fine i just don't want to be here." She told him.

"What'd your mother say." He said. "She said to ask you but she's talking to Aunt Marlene and I guess my other aunts that I never knew existed." She told him as he sat her down and he sat in front of her. He chuckled a little as she rambled on. "Sweetheart you know them it's been so long since you last saw them your brain forgot." He said with a strong Italian accent.

"Dad where you from." Katherine asked noticing the accent. "Italy luv why." He asked. "Nothing just your accent never heard it before." She told him playing with her dress. He sighed and grabbed her hands. "If you really want to leave we'll go-no it's fine I'll probably just sit out here."

She told him cutting him off. "Here then take my jacket if your gonna sit out here it's cold and I don't need you getting sick." He told her putting his jacket around her. "If i get sick your my cuddle buddy then." She told him with a small smile. "Always I'll come get you when we're about to leave but if you want to leave early just let me know."

He said kissing her head before getting up and walking back inside. James and the others quickly hid before they got caught. As soon as he walked in they all looked at each other then back to Katherine when a projection popped up next to her.

"Kat their you are." Theo said. "Yup here I am sitting outside like a loser where you at." She told him as he was outside. "Turn around." He told her and she did and saw him standing their as the projection turned off. She ran into his arms as he picked her up a little.

"Thank god your here thought I'd have to go through this alone." She said making him laugh a little. "I'd never make you sit through this alone." He said putting her back on the ground. "Where are the others." She asked him. "The annual Pure blood Christmas ball they had to attend to." He told her as she stared at him.

"Aren't you suppose to be their as well." "Well technically yes but not if I'm sick." He told her making her smile. "Your gonna get in trouble." "Eh it's worth it though." He told her as she rolled her eye and dragged him to sit down. "So why are you here and not in your pajamas like you always are." He told her.

"I'm not always in my pajamas." She told him. "Yes you are just like week when we went to go see you pajamas at Hogwarts pajamas." He told her making her roll her eyes as he stared at her. "My parents made me come." "James?" He asked her. "No Ace they said I had to come."

She said yawning. "Tired aren't you." He asked. "Didn't get to bed till 4." She told him laying her head on his shoulder. "I told you to get to bed earlier didn't I." He said. "Yeah but when do I listen I don't even listen to Snape." She said making him laugh.

He fixed the jacket on her and laid back on the chair and pulled her down with him. "I'm tired." She told him laying on his chest. "Just close your eyes I'll be here." He said as she closed her eyes.

James watched the two wanting to go over their and take her out of his arms but Remus and Sirius held him back and dragged him inside. "Mate you'll cause a scene." Frank said. "I don't care she's out their with a boy and he's a Nott." James said. "James is it that she's with a boy or that she called Ace dad." Remus asked him.

"Neither never mind." He said walking off to the drinks. They all sighed looking back at Katherine before walking off.

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