Chapter 55

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It's been like three days since that night. Their has been extra guards around the house in and out of it. Ace had been keeping a closer eye on Katherine they all have been watching her closely making sure she's ok and safe at all times.

Katherine has been paranoid lately feeling eyes on her constantly since what happened in the woods. Something in her tells her something bad is gonna happen soon but she can't figure out what it is and it's bugging her.

"Kat." Aurora said snapping her out of her thoughts. "Yes." "I was telling the girls how we should all go out today." Aurora said. "Oh um maybe not today." She said looking down. "Ok then how-excuse me I need to use the bathroom." She said getting up walking off.

She didn't really have to use the restroom but she did want to get out of that conversation. Today was not a day for her it was Hayley's birthday and all she wanted to do is sit in her room alone.

She walked into Ace's office getting all of their attention. "Dad I'm heading out." She told him. "Where." "With who." "No your not." "With a boy." "Nope." "No way." They all said as she stared at them. "Where to Kat." He asked her. "With Tommy and Matteo." She told him.

"Ok be careful." He told her as she nodded her head walking off out the door. She went towards the west wing to the graveyard. She held a pumpkin pie in her hands. "Happy birthday mom." She said lighting the candle.

Hayley use to like cake but one day she decided she didn't like it anymore so they would use pumpkin pie as a cake for her and that's how Katherine's love for pumpkin pie started. She sat down placing it in front of the headstone.

The wind blew the candle out as Katherine smiled a little. "I think dad forgot mom." She said eating a piece. "Not once did he mention about you today and I feel bad for Aunt Rory cause she wanted to go do something but I just wanted to be here with you."

"I don't know if it's just me or not but I've been feeling paranoid lately like someone's always watching me. I've been sleeping in dad's room cause I feel like someone's in their. I um really miss you mom I feel like one day I'm gonna wake up and their you are and everything was normal dad never left he was still here.

Yes I love Ace he's amazing but sometimes I wish James had never left. Not anymore but I do have dreams of what my life would've been like but I don't think I would want to change it now. I've gotten everything I've ever wanted I had a family who loved me."

A hour went by and Katherine hadn't came back from the bathroom and the girls walked to Ace's office to see if they saw her. They walked in not even knocking. "What's up."

Alex said as they stared at the girls. "Have you seen Kat she said she was going bathroom but never came back that was an hour ago." Aurora said as they all looked at Ace. "Well she told us she was going with Tom and Matteo." Damon said.

"That's not like Kat to just walk away like that." Aurora said. "She was acting weird when she left." Ares said as the others agreed with him. "She say when she was coming back." Lucia asked. "No said she'll be back later." Damon said. "We'll I'll ask her later when she comes back home." Ace said as they nodded their heads.


It's night currently ten at night at Katherine still hadn't return yet. Ace hadn't paid no attention to it he's been busy all day in his office to realize what time it is.

Until the Sebastian walked into his office. "Have you seen Kat." He asked him. "What time is it." Ace asked. "Almost eleven." Sebastian said as Ace looked up. "And she's not home yet."

"No haven't seen her all day." He said. "Right then I'll find you when I see her." Ace said as he nodded his head. Ace shook his head as he walked trying to figure out where Kat was at.

So he decided to call Tom. "Hello." Tom said. "Is Kat still with you and Matteo." He asked getting up walking out the office. "She hasn't been with us all day me and Matteo have been at the Malfoy Manor with the other guys but she hasn't stopped by why what's up."

"Never mind but if you see her tell her I want her home." Ace said. "Got it." Tom said before hanging up. "Hey where's Kat." Lucia asked walking over to him. "Don't know about to go find her actually." He said as she stopped in her track.

"Didn't you say she was with her uncles." "They said they haven't seen her all day." "So she lied." Alex said walking over to them. "Yup." He said shaking his head yes.

They heard the door open and close. "Dad I'm home." She said as they looked at Ace as he started to walk over to her. "Where have you been." Ace asked her. "Told you with Tommy and Matteo."

She told him as everyone started to walk over hearing the commotion. "Don't lie to me Katherine where have you been." He said. "Like i said with Tom and Matteo." She told him walking into the kitchen as she took her jacket off. "So you were with them all day." "Yup."

She said lying right through herself. "You we're with them at the Malfoy's." Ace told her as she nodded her head yes. "When did this become an investigation." She said turning around looking at him. "When I found out you were lying." He told her as she gulped.

"I'm not." "Yes you are I called Tom he said he hadn't seen you all day so where have you actually been." Ace asked her. "Out." She said now knowing he didn't remember what today was.

"Where Katherine where is out." Ace told her as she started to walk off ignoring him feeling tears threaten to spill. "Katherine don't walk away from me." "Leave me alone." She told him. "No I'm not gonna leave you alone you lied to me."

"Leave me alone." "Katherine get back here." "Ace maybe give her some space." Leah told him. "No I have a right to know where my daughter is especially when she is lying to me."

"Where we're you all day Katherine." "Maybe if you remembered you'd know." She told him running to her room leaving them confused. She slammed the door as everyone looked at Ace. "What do she mean." Aria asked.

"What's today Ace." Sage asked him. "I don't remember what's today's date." He asked as Alex looked. "It's August first." He said as Ace sighed now remembering what today was. "What is it Ace." Leah asked him. "Hayley's birthday." He said looking down.

"Ace go apologize to her." Sage told him. "I am." He said walking up to her room. He knocked on her door not hearing a come in. "Listen Kat I know your mad at me but please open the door." He said but she didn't answer him.

"Kat open the door please." He said as he heard the door unlock and open. He was met by a crying Kat. Her eyes were red and puffy. "I'm sorry." He told her. "You forgot today was mom's birthday." "I know and I'm sorry I've been busy and trying to keep you safe."

He told her. "But I need you to answer me Kat where have you been all day." He asked her as she sniffled wiping her nose. "At the graveyard." "You've been home all day?" "Yup."

She said walking to her bed getting back in bed. "Kat I'm sorry I didn't mean to forget it just slipped my mind." "Still forgot." She muttered. "How about I make it up to you what do you say." He asked her. "Not the same dad."

"I know but tell me what I can do for you." He told her sitting in front of her. "We can watch movie all night long." "With pumpkin pie." She asked his making him smile. "Of course." "Can we watch movies in your room." She asked him as he nodded his head yes.

"Come on pretty sure I have a sash of pumpkin pie in my room." He told her holding his hand out for her. She took it after picking up Leo the two of them walked to his room. He went and grabbed the pie as she put a movie on. "See." He said holding it up. He sat down next to her handing her a slice. "I'm sorry princess it wasn't my intention to forget." He told her.

"I know but it just hurts not having mom with us." She told him. "I know and I'm doing everything I can to take care of you. But I've been busy with paperwork lately I hadn't had a chance but I'm gonna be a better father I promise." He said kissing the top of her head. "I know dad and you are the best dad." She told him playing the movie.

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