Chapter 52

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As the next day came Katherine hadn't spoken to Ace at all. She had stayed in her room since he told her no on going on the mission. She knew if she even still went and snuck out to do it she'll be in trouble.

So that's exactly what she's doing. She walked downstairs like nothing minding her business. She walked in the living room over to Emilio. She sat down next to him and he looked at her. "So we doing it." He asked her. "Yes we are."

"Perfect let's get you ready." He told her as the two of them walked into a different room. "What's in here." She asked him. "This is where you'll get ready." "If your dad finds out we did this behind his back he's gonna murder me especially if you get hurt."

He told her grabbing something. "He'll live." She told him. "Here." He said handing her a small ear piece and a chip. "What are these." "This is a ear piece so we can communicate and that's a tracker in case of something happens which won't." He told her hiding it in her hair and putting the ear piece on.

"So what's the plan." "All you have to do is act like you wandered in their distract them and then leave that's all." He told her closing the door after they walked out. "Right that should be easy." She said as they walked back into the living room.

"Act normal." She whispered to him walking in front of him. "Daddy." She said getting his attention. "Yes." "I'm going out I'll see you later." "With who and where." He asked standing up. "Just with the boys that's all and probably to drive around or get chocolate." She told him as he stared at her.

"So is that all." "You better not be lying to me Katherine." He told her as she stared at him. "Look if it makes you happier I'll drive her." Emilio said as they all looked at him. "What are you two up to." Ace said. "Nothing besides Theo is picking me up don't worry." She told him kissing his cheek and walked off. "See you later dad." She said before walking out the house.

Katherine stood outside of the warehouse. She walked in looking around acting lost. "Act dumb and lost." Emilio said as she rolled her eyes. "Hey what are you doing in here." A guard asked stopping her as her eyes widen. She turned around and looked at him.

"I was told their was a party here by Travis or Trav. By Travis oh man did he give me the wrong location again." She said gently smacking her forehead. "Oh sweetheart go straight and down the street the party is their you shouldn't get lost it's dangerous."

Ace looked around and didn't see Emilio anywhere or the others. He walked around having a feeling that their doing something they shouldn't be doing. They walked in the hacking office and saw them all their. "What the hell are you all doing." He asked walking over. "Shh don't tell Ace but we're watching Kat on the mission." Leah said as he stared at them.

"What do you mean she's on the mission I told her she's not aloud on it." He said as they all looked at him. "Hey." Emilio said waving to him. "I swear to god if something happens to Kat your all paying for it." He told them watching the surveillance.

Emilio plotted all of their murder. "Thank you I wasn't really looking at where I was going just walked in here by accident closed my eyes before didn't want to walk in a place and someone be doing it done it one to many times." She told him with an innocent smile. "Don't worry." He told her as she started to walk off close to the door when he stopped her.

"Hey sweetheart tell your mother I said hi." He said as she turned around and stared at him. "Kat get out their it's a trap." Ace yelled. "W-What." She asked as he chuckled. "Daughter of Ace Hernandez didn't think I'd recognize you." He told her as she stared at him.

"I'd leave him if I was you he's a murder don't want to be like him right." He told her. "Oh but theirs one thing you don't know that I am my fathers daughter and if not I would be." She told him with a smirk as he stared at her confused. "Get out of their Kat." Emilio said on the other line as she ignored them.

"Say hello to my grandmother will you." She said making him confused as she pulled out a grenade. "This place will blow toodles." She said throwing two in two different spots. "Get back here you brat." He yelled chasing after her. "Kat leave now." "I'm trying."

She said to them. "Theirs a knife in your pocket of your jacket get it and throw it at his leg it'll slow him down." Lucia told her as she dung through the jacket and found the knife. She turned around and threw the knife aiming at his leg but landing somewhere else. She held her laugh in and started to run again.

She saw the car waiting for her and jumped in. "Drive." She yelled at Theo drove off as she laughed. "Your crazy." He told her driving off quickly away from the warehouse as it blew up. "Kat you ok." Ace asked. "Fine dad see you at home in a bit." She told him as she stopped laughing. "Don't you ever do that again Kat you could've gotten hurt." Theo told her as she smiled at him.

"You need take me home I don't feel like dying so I have to have to head home." She told him as he nodded his head and drove to her house. "Bye Theo see you later when I'm ungrounded." She told him as he shook his head. "Bye amour talk to me when your not grounded anymore I'll let the boys know your grounded as well." He told her.

"Thanks your the best Theo love you bye." She said walking to the door opening it quietly and closed it as quiet as possible and tried to walk past the living room but got stopped. "Get your little behind in here now young lady." Ace said as she walked in their and got pulled into a hug. He looked around to make sure she wasn't injured.

"You ok." He asked her. "Yes dad I'm fine see no harm I'm ok." She told him as he nodded his head. "Now you are grounded and I don't want to hear a word I told you no and you went behind my back and still did it." He told her as she nodded her head. "What has gotten in you to do that Katherine you never lied to me before and you never went behind my back." He told her.

"We'll you told me no-Exactly I told you no." He said cutting her off. "I knew the risk dad I knew I'd get grounded if I went behind your back and did it but this is the first time I'm actually having fun and doing it. I hadn't had fun like this since mom." She told him looking down. "I know I'm grounded just got done telling Theo I'm grounded. I'll be in my room if you need anything."

She said walking off. "Ace we know we never fully got to meet Hayley but from what you told us we can tell Kat was always having fun or happy with her." "She was they were always doing something together weather it was just watching movies or going out but she was always happy with her." He told Leah.

"Go talk to her Ace don't yell just talk." Sage told him as he walked up to her room and knocked on her door. "Come in." She said loud enough so he could hear. He walked in and saw her laying in bed he closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

"Kat look at me." He told her as she sat up and looked at him. "I'm not mad at you just disappointed that you went behind my back and did it. I know your mad at me. I said no because I didn't want you getting hurt and me end up losing you as well I don't want that happening. But if doing that makes you happy I guess you can do that." He told her as she stayed quiet.

"I knew you'd either be mad or disappointed at me kinda expected it. I'm not mad at you your only looking out for what's best for me that's all and I understand that but doing what I did today was amazing it felt good to go behind your back and do it. It felt like I broken a rule which felt nice then it didn't and then my thoughts went to you and how worried you'd be.

Yeah it was nice but I don't think I'd ever do it again. Just wanted to see what it was like to go on mission without using my magic to see what it felt like to be normal." "That ain't normal princess." He told her. "I know, but it was scary when he stopped me I didn't know what would happen and I don't think I would ever do it again just wanted to try it out but I'm still grounded huh."

She asked. "Definitely but I'm glad you understand why I said no anything could've happened and you saw that yourself glad your learned your lesson besides for the next two weeks we can hang out since your grounded." He told her making her smile. "Yes we can." She told him with a smile. "Get some sleep pretty sure your tired." He told her as she shook her head yes. "Night dad." She said. "Night princess sleep well." He told her kissing her head turning the lights off and closing the door as he walked out.

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